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Es Tiempo By Marcus Booth. What is Es Tiempo! Es Tiempo is a design campaign that took place in Los Angeles in 2009. The campaign was designed to convince.

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Presentation on theme: "Es Tiempo By Marcus Booth. What is Es Tiempo! Es Tiempo is a design campaign that took place in Los Angeles in 2009. The campaign was designed to convince."— Presentation transcript:

1 Es Tiempo By Marcus Booth

2 What is Es Tiempo! Es Tiempo is a design campaign that took place in Los Angeles in 2009. The campaign was designed to convince the latina community to take annual Pap Tests in effort to prevent cervical cancer. Latina women have “the highest incidence and mortality rate for cervical cancer “ than any race or ethnic group.

3 What is Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer is a common cancer found in women worldwide. The cancer starts at the cervix (bottom of the uterus where the vagina opens). When the cervix cells grow at an abnormal rate they became cancerous. The causes for cervical cancer are: the HPV virus, smoking, and obesity.

4 Pap Test In order to prevent cervical cancer, an annual Pap test/Pap smear is required. In a Pap test, a doctor/physician takes a small sample of cells out of the cervix to see if there are any changes in the cells. If the cells are growing, further tests are required to see if they are cancerous.

5 The Creators of Es Tiempo The Es Tiempo campaign was designed by a group of seven students from the Art Center College of Design’s Designmatters department, led by Professors Elena Salij and Maria Moon.

6 Collaborators Before the Art Center College of Design’s designmatters dept. created the campaign, they collaborated with USC, USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, USC Keck School of Medicine and USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism to develop focus groups for the latina community and asked questions about their reasons for not having a Pap Test.

7 Their Initial Assumptions At first the group thought that their target audience were not aware that they needed an annual Pap Test. However after obtaining knowledge from them, they realized that these women knew they needed a Pap test but didn’t know the importance of getting one.

8 Their Initial Campaign Ideas One of the students idea was to create a campaign with a direct message saying “Get Your Pap Smear Today” Another students idea was to create a campaign that featured a female Hispanic doctor.

9 A Different Approach to Solving the Problem The group’s initial campaign ideas were not the solutions in solving this problem. They needed to approach it in a discreet and sensitive manner in order to encourage latina women to take a Pap test.

10 The Final Solution The group focused on the positive aspects of prevention of cervical cancer rather than creating a campaign that would have unintentionally discourage latina women to take a Pap Test. They designed their campaign using a Jacaranda Tree as a visual identity for comfort, sensitivity, welcoming. They designed slippers, medical gowns, VISA credit cards, billboards, and bus stop based on the colors and patterns of the Jacaranda Tree

11 The Result

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