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Senior Exhibition Reflection Ethan Sechler, Elija Medina, and Justin Lu.

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2 Senior Exhibition Reflection Ethan Sechler, Elija Medina, and Justin Lu

3 10 % 20% 30% 40% Tears Procrastination Work Complaining

4 What We Learned

5 “How to give 110%”

6 “That I’m a BIG procrastinator.”

7 “Nothing is exactly what it seems.”

8 “I can actually present in a room for twenty minutes!”

9 “I learned a lot of surprising things about my topic.”

10 “Things, change, and I change.”

11 My topic was Electro- convulsive therapy, and a lot of the information I learned actually me! shocked

12 What challenged us

13 “I felt like Ms. Hughes graded the different parts of our essays too hard.” ?

14 “When I first started this project, it seemed like something I would never get done.”

15 I was so frustrated, I was like AAAAAAAAA AGGGGHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHH

16 “When I first chose my topic, I didn’t like it very much.”

17 “My topic was based primarily on information, so I had a lot of trouble forming my own argument.”

18 What was meaningful

19 “When it came time for questions, I was able to successfully answer all of them!”

20 "Senior ex prepared me for college"

21 “It really changed the way I look at how things are run in the world”

22 What was meme ingful





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