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2 Course: JUC Reading & Writing 001 Book: Q:Skills Reading & Writing Level 1 – Unit 6 Review JUBAIL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STUDENT SELF-STUDY ASSESSMENT

3 Vocabulary - Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with the correct words from the word bank. surprise protect honest natural pretend embarrassed nervous joke 1. Don’t tell Alice about her birthday party. It’s a secret. 2. I usually feel worried and before an exam. 3. Actors to be somebody they are not in real life. 4. You should always be and tell the truth to your parents. 5. The comedian told a very funny that made us laugh. 6. Fruit smoothies are drinks that are healthy for your body. 7. Police people from criminals and bad people. 8. I felt when I got a grade “F” on my English exam. surprise nervous pretend honest joke natural protect embarrassed

4 Vocabulary - Exercise 2 Complete the dialogue with the correct words from the word bank. heart rate strange embarrass breath fearful painful increase prevent Mary: Susan, I can’t catch my. I’m finding it hard to breathe. Susan: Maybe I should check your. Your pulse seems pretty fast. Mary: Good idea. It’s a little sore and in my chest area. Susan: That’s unusual and. You’re in great physical shape. You shouldn’t be in pain. Mary: I know. I am a little that I may be having a heart attack. Susan: I don’t think you need to worry. Stay calm and don’t the speed of your breathing. Mary: Sorry, I don’t mean to you by creating a big commotion in public. Susan: It’s no problem. It’s better to a problem before it starts. breath heart rate painful strange fearful increase embarrass prevent

5 Vocabulary - Exercise 3 Draw a line to complete the sentence. 1. She has the abilityyou to my two best friends, Maria and Jean. 2. My mother cried are always blocked by shopkeepers selling things. 3. I’d like to introducemedication to stop headaches. 4. The sidewalksto get good grades because she is smart and she studies hard. 5. Aspirin is an effectivewhen my grandmother died. 6. Babies often cry your skin from the sun by wearing clothes that cover your body. 7. You should protectwhen they are tired and hungry.

6 Grammar - Exercise 1: Adverbs of frequency Choose the correct sentence for the adverb of frequency in parentheses. 1. I take a taxi to school. (always) Ο I always take a taxi to school. Ο Always I take a taxi to school. Ο I take always a taxi to school 2. I get tired when I study too long. (sometimes) Ο I get sometimes tired when I study too long. Ο Sometimes I get tired when I study too long. Ο I get tired when I sometimes study too long. 3. Mary forgets to do her homework. (never) Ο Never Mary forgets to do her homework. Ο Mary forgets never to do her homework. Ο Mary never forgets to do her homework. 4. My friends meet at the mall on Saturday. (usually) Ο My friends usually meet at the mall on Saturday. Ο My friends meet at the mall usually on Saturday. Ο My friends meet usually at the mall on Saturday. 5. We watch comedy shows on TV. (sometimes) Ο Sometimes we watch comedy shows on TV. Ο We watch sometimes comedy shows on TV. Ο We watch comedy shows sometimes on TV.

7 Grammar - Exercise 1: Adverbs of frequency Choose the correct sentence for the adverb of frequency in parentheses. 1. When Susan is nervous, 2. When people laugh, 3. People’s memory improves 4. When I read funny stories, 5. Alice often laughs when 6. When I came home for vacation, 7. Sandra really laughed people are being serious. when they laugh. when I dropped the glass. their blood pressure goes down. I’m very happy. my parents were very happy. she laughs. she laughs. their blood pressure goes down. when they laugh. I’m very happy. people are being serious. my parents were very happy. when I dropped my glass.



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