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Dr Ursula Kilkelly Department of Law University College Cork.

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1 Dr Ursula Kilkelly Department of Law University College Cork

2  Established under the OCO Act 2002  Emily Logan, appointed in 2004, re-appointed in 2010  Three areas of OCO activity:  Independent complaints handling  Communication & Participation  Research & Policy

3  Duty to promote the rights and welfare of children by :  Advising the Minister on policy;  Encouraging public bodies etc to develop policies, practices and procedures;  Collecting and disseminating information;  Promoting awareness among members of the public including children of matters relating to the rights and welfare of children and how those rights can be enforced,  Highlighting issues relating to the rights and welfare of children that are of concern to children,  Monitoring and reviewing the operation of legislation.

4  Duty to have regard to the best interests of the child concerned and the child’s wishes.  Must establish structures to consult with children and young people.  Must promote, publish or undertake research.  In practice - OCO views both research and the views and perspectives of CYP as central to OCO authority.





9  OCO can investigate a complaint where it appears that the action  has or may have adversely affected a child,  was or may have been: (i) taken without proper authority, (ii) taken on irrelevant grounds, (iii) the result of negligence or carelessness, (iv) based on erroneous or incomplete information, (v) improperly discriminatory, (vi) based on an undesirable administrative practice, or (vii) otherwise contrary to fair or sound administration




13  A statement based on an investigation by the Ombudsman for Children into the provision of supports and therapeutic services for a child with special needs in foster care - August 2011 A statement based on an investigation by the Ombudsman for Children into the provision of supports and therapeutic services for a child with special needs in foster care  A statement based on an investigation of complaints that the Health Service Executive did not provide appropriate care for a young person. - April 2011 A statement based on an investigation of complaints that the Health Service Executive did not provide appropriate care for a young person.  A report based on an investigation into the implementation of Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children- April 2010 A report based on an investigation into the implementation of Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children  A statement based on a complaint regarding the provision of school transport for 23 children - December 2008 A statement based on a complaint regarding the provision of school transport for 23 children  A statement based on an investigation of a complaint that a local authority failed to provide appropriate housing in the case of a child with a disability - January 2007 A statement based on an investigation of a complaint that a local authority failed to provide appropriate housing in the case of a child with a disability

14  Undertook a children’s rights analysis of ten investigation statements  Set the complaint and OCO conclusions against international children’s rights standards  Brought children’s rights home to the places that matter to children and families  Shone a new light on the impact of poor administrative practices (s 8).

15  OCO website is a valuable resource on children’s lives in Ireland  Research agenda brings children’s voices into the public domain  Huge potential for re-use of these different types and forms of data  OCO researcher’s register. Join!

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