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Participation in Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills.

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1 Participation in Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills

2 2009-2010 ARD Committee Decision-Making Process for the Texas Assessment Program Purpose of the ARD Manual ARD committee members should use this reference manual to make decisions about placement in the Texas Student Assessment Program for students receiving special education services for the 2009- 2010 school year. This manual explains to ARD committees how to make these decisions by using the state-mandated curriculum as documented in each student’s IEP.

3 The ARD committee makes the decision about which assessment a student will take, BUT the decision must be an appropriate one, as outlined in the manual.

4 What will monitoring be looking for? Is there evidence that the IEP reflects the ARD committee’s decision concerning the student’s participation in the statewide assessment for students who are in grades 3-11? Was the student given the assessment determined by the ARD committee?

5 What will monitoring be looking for? Is there evidence that the IEP reflects appropriate decisions concerning the student’s participation in the statewide assessment?

6 TAKS Any decision for a test other than TAKS must be justified---why the student cannot participate in the regular assessment. 34 CFR §300.320(a)(6)(ii)

7 TAKS-Accommodated  The student is involved in the TEKS at the enrolled grade level with accommodations that are not allowed on the TAKS.  No accommodation can be used for the assessment that is not routinely provided for the student in the classroom.

8 TAKS-Modified An alternate assessment based on modified academic achievement standards The student is involved in TEKS at the enrolled grade level with modification AND accommodations.

9 Modifications Practices and procedures that change the nature of the task or target skill Specially-designed instruction that modifies the content to enable the student to access the curriculum Modified curriculum is provided by a special education teacher

10 Accommodations Practices and procedures that are intended to reduce or eliminate the effects of a student’s disability but not reduce learning expectations

11 Who can participate in TAKS-M? Participation Requirements—the student must meet ALL of the following criteria:  The student needs extensive modifications AND accommodations to classroom instruction, assignments, and assessments to access and demonstrate progress in the grade-level TEKS

12  The student has an IEP that reflects access to the grade- level TEKS, including documentation of the modifications to the curriculum and accommodations that are needed during classroom instruction and assessments

13 Participation Requirements—the student must meet ALL of the following criteria:  The student demonstrates academic progress in such a way that even if significant growth occurs during the school year, the ARD committee is reasonable certain that the student will not achieve grade-level proficiency as demonstrated by multiple valid measures of evidence.

14  Multiple valid measures of evidence may include, state assessments, informal and formal classroom assessments, norm- referenced tests, and criterion- referenced test

15 Participation Requirements—the student must meet ALL of the following criteria: Meets some but not all of the participation criteria of TAKS-Alternate; 1.Requires supports to access the general curriculum that may include assistance involving communication, response style, physical access, or daily living skills; 2.Requires direct, intensive, individualized instruction in a variety of settings to accomplish the acquisition, maintenance and generalization of skills

16 (TAKS-Alt participation requirements) 3.Accesses and participates in the grade-level TEKS through activities that focus on prerequisite skills; 4.Demonstrates knowledge and skills routinely in class by methods other than paper-and- pencil task; and 5.Demonstrates performance objectives that may include real-life applications of the grade-level TEKS as appropriate to the student’s abilities and needs.

17 Participation Requirements—the student must meet ALL of the following criteria: The student requires an alternate form of TAKS that is more closely aligned with instructional modifications in order to demonstrate knowledge of the grade- level TEKS.

18  The ARD committee has determined that even with accommodations, the student is unable to participate in TAKS/TAKS-Acc.  The student routinely receives modifications to the grade- level curriculum that more closely resemble those offered on TAKS-M (reduced number of items and answer choices or simpler vocabulary and sentence structure.)

19 Examples of noncompliance that has been cited in RF Monitoring Student in all general education classes with only accommodations, but taking TAKS-M; curriculum is not modified ; can not tell that student receives specially designed instruction Student taking TAKS-M for subjects that do not have IEP goals Student does not meet one of the TAKS-Alt requirements

20 Academic instructional decisions made by the ARD committee and documented in the IEP must always guide assessment decisions.

21 The IEP should provide a detailed look at a student’s progress in the curriculum, including whether the student is receiving grade- level instruction with no modifications, modified grade- level instruction, or grade-level instruction that is accessed through prerequisite skills.

22 Email questions to

23 Future RF Monitoring TETNs March 5---1:00-3:00 ***(new date) April 20---1:00-3:00 May 18---1:00-3:00 June 15---1:00-3:00

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