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Last lesson... what did we look at?. Today we will be looking at Creating a professional presentation to discuss ICT both inside and outside of school.

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Presentation on theme: "Last lesson... what did we look at?. Today we will be looking at Creating a professional presentation to discuss ICT both inside and outside of school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Last lesson... what did we look at?

2 Today we will be looking at Creating a professional presentation to discuss ICT both inside and outside of school To help us do this, we are going to use a structure

3 This structure (SOLO Taxonomy) It is made up of only 5 sections, we are going to be focussing on three today...

4 The three sections we are looking at Pre-Structural You know a little bit of information about ICT outside of school. Uni-Structural You know some information about ICT outside of school and list it in your presentation Multi-Stuctural You can make connections between ICT inside and outside of school and explain it in some detail, but you may not have the full picture yet. We are aiming for...Relational thinking

5 So what now... You are now going to create your presentations, giving as much detail on each slide as you can. Your target audience for this presentation in year 6 students. Try to use the structure we have just looked at to develop our slides and include a lot of detail and useful information.

6 Social Networking There is a wide range of social networking sites outside of school. The most popular include Facebook and Twitter. The reason they are so popular is because of the wide variety of tools they have available as well as information sharing, image storing and notifications. Most of these are not available in school as some students would misuse the software and allow it to distract them from their work. To date there are more than 500 million active users of Facebook Mr Woodhouse’s example slide

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