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Internal Communications Strategy for. We are… Young Innovative Smart Hip Up-and-coming Lifestyle-oriented GROWING Hardworking.

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Presentation on theme: "Internal Communications Strategy for. We are… Young Innovative Smart Hip Up-and-coming Lifestyle-oriented GROWING Hardworking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internal Communications Strategy for

2 We are… Young Innovative Smart Hip Up-and-coming Lifestyle-oriented GROWING Hardworking

3 You Talked. We listened.

4 What we need… A better way to communicate with each other We have a lot of departments that need a better way to communicate critical (and fun) data

5 So what do we do… Bi-weekly departmental meetings Google docs, listserv, Google+ Hangouts and more!! SweetJack Social Committee Official SweetJack branding bible Weekly meetings for middle management School of Jack Departmental handbooks ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 Not just more meetings. BETTER opportunities to communicate and educate We create

6 SweetJack Success! Better Communication Higher Morale More Cooperation are the Are you ready? YOU KEY Your enthusiasm will lead to… to our strategy.

7 Next Steps… Let’s get this show on the road DevelopTrainFeedbackRoll OutMeasure Research. Plan. Train. Execute. Evaluate. Measure. Repeat.

8 THANK YOU! @SweetJack Presented by Brandy Butler Marketing Manager

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