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A MODERN DAY CULT.  Scientology – “KNOWING about knowing”  Founded by Science Fiction writer – L. RON HUBBARD  “If you want to make a millions dollars,

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3  Scientology – “KNOWING about knowing”  Founded by Science Fiction writer – L. RON HUBBARD  “If you want to make a millions dollars, start a religion”  L. Ron Hubbard’s lifestyle, education, and experiences questions his Character as a honest and moral human being

4  Man has a THETAN I. ETERNAL II. MAN LIKE SPIRIT III. REINCARNATES  It’s Goal is to gain FREEDOM from reincarnation  Each individual must learn to “GAIN CONTROL” over his/her environment to become an “Operating Thetan”  An “Operating Thetan” has control of M.E.S.T  Matter; Energy; Space; Time  Operating Thetan’s goal is to become CLEAR of all engrams to improve health and everyday life

5  DIANETICS – Structure of Man’s mind  ANALYTICAL MIND – This works like the perfect computer; it never makes a mistake  REACTIVE MIND – Totally stimulus/response basis. It hold the mental images of past experiences called “engrams.”  SOMATIC MIND – place solutions into effect on the physical level. This mind keeps the body regulated and functioning.  Clear the reactive Mind of all ENGRAMS (unconscious experiences that cause pain, discomfort, etc…) to increase knowledge, decrease pain, increase senses, etc…  At this point, one has the ability to leave the body and become an interplanetary, “GOD-LIKE” being.

6  The SOURCE of Authority in any religion tells the reader his or her worldview  Much of Scientology’s literature NEVER MENTIONS a.GOD b.Jesus Christ c.The Holy Spirit d.The Bible e.Salvation

7  All of L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology since Dianetics are considered “Scripture” by the Church  We must compare them with the genuine Scripture of God, the bible  We will also draw from their 1954 California Articles of Incorporation –  This has a systematic outline of their tenets (doctrine) not found in other writings

8  They described their “HOLY BOOK” in their California Articles of Incorporation (2.i.14) as a “collection of the works of and about the Great teachers, including the works of St. Luke”  References to Luke’s Gospel in Scientology Writings are nearly non-existent

9  The Roots:  “The VEDA (Hindu Sacred Text) … is best read in a literal translation from the SANSKRIT (Ancient Indian language)… A great deal of our material in Scientology is discovered right back there. Tao means knowingness.”  “In other words, it’s an ANCESTOR to Scientology, the study of “knowing how to know.”  “The VEDA (Hindu Sacred Text), the TAO (ultimate reality), the DHARMA (duties of Hinduism/eternal truth), all mean knowingness… We first find this Buddha called actually Bodhi… This probably would mean a dianetic release…  “Another level has been mentioned to me – ARHAT (Highest state of enlightenment/peace), with which I am not particularly familiar with, said to be more comparable to our idea of Theta Clear.”  “And DHYANA (meditation)… could be literally translated as ‘Indian for Scientology.’

10  Hubbard’s Theological Authorities = BUDDHISM  “The Truth of the matter is,” he wrote, “that you are studying an extension of the work of GAUTAMA SIDDHARTHA, begun about 2,500 years ago… Buddha predicted that in 2,500 years that entire job would be finished in the West… Well, we finished it!” (Advance! (December 1974): 5, as quoted form L. Ron Hubbard’s 1966 taped lecture, Scientology, Definitions III)

11  Scientology claims its church “does not conflict with other religions or religious practices, as it clarifies them and brings understanding of the spiritual nature of Man” (L. Ron Hubbard, Volunteer Minister’s handbook [Los Angeles: Church of Scientology, 1976], xiv.  Hubbard questioned the origin of the bible, It is no wonder why we look into the Christian bible and find ourselves read the Egyptian Book of the Dead.” And, “The parables that are discovered today in the New Testament were earlier discovered, the same parables, elsewhere in many places. One of these was the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which predates the New Testament considerably.” (Hubbard, Phoenix Lectures, 9, 27.)  Typical of Hubbard’s writings, no evidence or source is provided in support of his claim

12  Contradictions between the bible and the sources of Scientology  Jesus gave no Credence to other scriptures or distorted views of God  Jesus REBUKED the Samaritan Woman for not knowing whom she worshipped – John 4:22 ▪ “You Samaritans worship what you do not know”  Jesus CHALLENGED the world teachers in John 10:8 “All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers.” ▪ Vedas, Confucius, Lao-tzu (Taoism), the Buddha, and the Egyptian Book of the dead came before Jesus incarnate, he openly renounces them as “Thieves and Robbers.”

13  Truth for the individual in scientology is often SUBJECTIVE and ESSENTIAL  To quote Hubbard, “Know thyself… and the truth shall set you free.”  Jesus said, “If you continue in MY WORD, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know THE truth, and THE truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32)

14  “It shall set you free” (John 8:31-32)  “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6)  Never is man called truth in the bible, nor is man’s inner self.  GOD is called Truth – Deut. 32:4; Isaiah 65:16  JESUS is called truth (John 14:6)  The HOLY SPIRIT is called Truth (1 John 5:6)  The WORD OF GOD is called truth (John 17:17)  The GOSPEL is called truth (Galatians 2:5, 14)

15  Hubbard wrote, “What is true FOR YOU is what you have observed yourself” (L. Ron Hubbard, Technical Bulletin [Los Angeles: Church of Scientology, 1976), 4:203).  Hubbard says, “Goodness and badness, beautifulness and ugliness are alike considerations and have no other basis than OPINION” (L. Ron Hubbard, Axioms and Logics [Los Angeles: American St. Hill Organization, 1973), 5.

16  Hubbard says, “Truth is relative to environments, experience, and truth” (L. Ron Hubbard, Axioms and Logics [Los Angeles: American St. Hill Organization, 1973), 12.



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