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Settlers of British Origin pp 59-60 Questions. Settlers of British Origin 1) Describe the pattern of early settlement in early Newfoundland. 2) What happened.

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Presentation on theme: "Settlers of British Origin pp 59-60 Questions. Settlers of British Origin 1) Describe the pattern of early settlement in early Newfoundland. 2) What happened."— Presentation transcript:

1 Settlers of British Origin pp 59-60 Questions

2 Settlers of British Origin 1) Describe the pattern of early settlement in early Newfoundland. 2) What happened to the lands in the Annapolis Valley formerly occupied by the Acadians? 3) Why did the Loyalists come to Canada? When? Where did they settle?

3 Settlers of British Origin 4) What new colony was created because of the arrival of the Loyalists? 5) Why did the first Scottish settlers come to North America? When? Where did they settle? 6) Why did the first Irish settlers come to North America? When? Where did they settle?

4 Settlers of British Origin Loyalists, drawing lots for Acadian lands. Loyalists, drawing lots for Acadian lands.

5 Settlers of British Origin 7) Why were the Irish different than most other settlers to Atlantic Canada? To which group did they have the most in common? Why? Irish Orphans

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