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The integrated procurement system is being implemented by three inter-dependent entities – the Procurement Policy Board, the Inter-Agency Bids & Awards.

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Presentation on theme: "The integrated procurement system is being implemented by three inter-dependent entities – the Procurement Policy Board, the Inter-Agency Bids & Awards."— Presentation transcript:

1 The integrated procurement system is being implemented by three inter-dependent entities – the Procurement Policy Board, the Inter-Agency Bids & Awards Committee and the Procurement Service. The governing council, now the Procurement Policy Board is headed by the DBM Secretary as Chairman and, as members, the Secretaries of Finance, National Defense, Trade and Industry, Health, Education, Public Works and Highways and a representative of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants. An Inter- Agency Bids and Awards Committee is composed of a DBM representative as Chairman, and as members, a representative each from the DOF, DTI, the client-agency for whom a major bid is called and the PS Director in an ex-officio capacity. A COA representative sits as resource person in all its meetings. The Procurement Service implements policy decisions of the Board and executes awards issued by the IABAC. It has seven fully operational divisions. It has 137 plantilla positions that can only be staffed by contractual personnel. The PS also has its own Resident COA Auditor. PS ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW


3 PS Organizational Units and Functions The Procurement Service Director assumes responsibility for all activities inherent to the Office and provides general supervision, direction and control over the work of all employees to ensure the effective accomplishment of delegated work. The Operations Manager provides direct supervision and coordination over the operational activities of the office. The Financial, Administrative and Technical Support Manager provides direct supervision over the activities of the Finance, Administrative and Planning and Technical Support Divisions.

4 PS ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW Operations Group Agency Servicing Division (ASD) receives and initiates the processing of all agency requests. It coordinates with client-agencies on all matters pertinent to procurement requirements and maintain up-to-date information on agency order/request status and stock availability. The Purchasing Division (PD) is in charge of all purchasing activities. It coordinates with suppliers, sends out invitations to bid and prepares purchase orders. The Inspection Division (ID) is responsible for the inspection, testing and evaluation of deliveries made by suppliers to see to it that the desired quality is obtained. The Warehousing and Delivery Division (WDD) stores, maintains and manages the stocks at the PS Warehouse. It is also responsible for the delivery of goods to requesting agencies.

5 PS ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW Financial/Administrative Group The General Administrative Services Division (GASD) is in charge of human resource management, supply management and general services administration. The Finance Division (FD) is responsible for providing the office with services relating to budgeting, cashiering and accounting. The Planning and Technical Support Services Division (PTSSD) provides services relating to information systems, price catalogue, market encounters, product seminars and the maintenance of supplier files.


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