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1 pH

2 pH The strength of an acid or base is measured using a scale called pH. pH stands for ‘power of Hydrogen’ pH scale ranges from 0-14 Acids have a pH less than 7 Bases have a pH higher than 7 Neutral pH is 7

3 Acids and Bases are actually related.
Weak acid = Strong base Strong acid = Weak base

4 Weak & Strong pH Measures the concentration of H+ available in water. The higher the concentration, the more acidic the solution is. The scale is exponential. pH 7 has a 1 to 1 ratio of H+: OH- pH 6 = 10x concentration of pH 7. pH 5 = 10x concentration of pH6. 1

5 pH Indicators pH indicators are chemical compounds which change colour depending on the concentration of H+ Examples: Litmus Thymol blue Phenolphthalene Bromothymol blue Methyl Orange

6 Why measure pH? We use pH indicators to measure a variety of things:
pH of Swimming pools Waterways and environment pH in the garden, soil. Stomach conditions, skin, hair and mouth

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