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S.Martin. Martin was a brave Roman soldier who was returning from Italy to their homeland, somewhere in France.

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Presentation on theme: "S.Martin. Martin was a brave Roman soldier who was returning from Italy to their homeland, somewhere in France."— Presentation transcript:

1 S.Martin

2 Martin was a brave Roman soldier who was returning from Italy to their homeland, somewhere in France.

3 S.Martin Mounted on his horse was going on a path to cross a very high mountain, called the Alps, and up there, it was very cold and wind.

4 S.Martin –Martin was usually wrapped for the season: he had a red cape, the Roman soldiers usually wore.

5 S.Martin Suddenly, there appeared a very poor man, dressed in old clothes longer and routes, full of cold who asked alms.

6 S.Martin Unfortunately, Martin had nothing to give. Then, he took the sword, raised it and gave a blow your cover. Cut it in half and gave half to the poor.

7 Riddles 1 - I have shirt and jacket No patch or hole Breaking out like a rocket If someone puts me in the fire 2 - If I laugh... me out a maiden Ling more than I She goes with who takes I am one who gave me

8 Riddles 3 - What is the thing which she and It has three layers of winter The second is glossy The third is bitter 4-bark has guarded Nobody can move Alone or accompanied In November we come to see

9 Blocks How good to eat Roasted chestnuts And see Magusto Girls stained In the street is a seller Roasted chestnuts It is with effort and love What makes the boys happy

10 Blocks All day to get soaked Poor seller! But on the verge of chestnuts It is full of warmth. With the cold coming Nature is to transform Hedgehogs open To get the chestnuts.

11 Work done by: Custodia nº10 9ºA

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