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BIOGRAPHY OF ST.FRANCIS BORGIA. He was born within the Duchy of Gandia, Valencia on October 28,1510.He was the son of Juan de Borgia and Joana of Aragon.

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2 He was born within the Duchy of Gandia, Valencia on October 28,1510.He was the son of Juan de Borgia and Joana of Aragon.

3 His family sent him to the court of Emperor Charles V. Francis distinguished himself there,accompanying the Emperor on several campaigns.

4 He married Eleanor de Castro Melo e Menezes a Portugese noblewoman in Madrid on September 1526. Francis had 8 children Carlos, Isabel, Juan, Alvaro, Juana, Fernando, Dorotea, and Alfonso.

5  In 1539, Francis convoyed the corpse of Empress Isaballe of Portugal to her burial place.It is said that, when he saw the effect of death on the Empress Francis decided never to serve a mortal master again.

6 Francis was made Viceroy of Catalonia, and administered the province with great efficiency.His true interests lay elsewhere. When his father died the new Duke of Gandia retired to his native place and led, with his wife and family, a life devoted entirely to Jesus Christ and the Holy Catholic Church.

7 In 1546 his wife died and he was determined to enter the newly formed Society of Jesus.He renounced his titles in favor of his eldest son Carlos and became a Jesuit priest.Because of his high birth, abilities and fame, he was immediately offered a cardinal’s hat.This however, he refused, preferring the life of an itinerant preacher. In time, his friends persuaded him to accept the leadership role that nature and circumstances had destined Francis for: in 1554, he became the Jesuits’ commissary-general in Spain;and in 1565, the third Father General or Superior General of the Society of Jesus.

8  His successes have caused historians to describe Francis as the greatest general after St.Ignatius of Loyola.He formed the Colegium Romanum.

9 The Colegium Romanum, which was to become the Gregorian University, dispactched missionaries to distant corners of the globe, advised kings and popes, and closely supervised all the affairs of the rapidly expanding order.Yet, despite the great power of his office, Francis led a humble life,and was widely regarded in his own lifetime as a saint.

10 Francis Bogia died on September 30,1573. He was cannonized on June 20, 1670 by Pope Clement X. His feast day is celebrated on October 10.

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