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Getting ready for SMD at SA primary health care centres Dr Sarah Ahmed Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia.

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1 Getting ready for SMD at SA primary health care centres Dr Sarah Ahmed Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia

2 The Plan Adelaide Metropolitan Hospitals Characteristics of AHCSA sites: Mixture of metropolitan, regional, remote, small and large primary care centres Mixed workforce: GPs, RANs, AHWs Clinical information system = Communicare v 13.5+ Messaging Intermediary = Argus 6 Characteristics of AHCSA sites: Mixture of metropolitan, regional, remote, small and large primary care centres Mixed workforce: GPs, RANs, AHWs Clinical information system = Communicare v 13.5+ Messaging Intermediary = Argus 6 Tjuntjuntjara (Spinifex Health Service) Discharge summaries

3 Site Readiness ActionCommentsCompleted 1. HPIOs obtained, ROs & OMOs engaged about SMD & its utility Via PCEHR registration processYes, all sites 2. NASH certificates receivedVia PCEHR registration processYes, all sites 3. HPD updated via HPOSIncludes HPIO details, ELS details. Via Argus commissioning process, which most services have now completed. Yes, partially 4. Sites listed on NHSDProtracted process. NHSD site name doesn’t necessarily match HPD organisation name. OMOs to self author and ensure details match and kept up to date. We are organising for OMO training from HDA for this to occur. Yes, all sites 5. Clinicians listed on HPD & NHSD OMOs have clinician HPIIs to input into CIS. So that they are searchable from Communicare address book. Easy to do as a once off process as OMOs update HPOS & NHSD. See checklist.pdf checklist.pdf In progress 6. CIS (Communicare) upgraded to version able to receive SMD We discovered current v13.5 has an addressing error (mismatch between HPD & NHSD entries). All sites to upgrade to v14, due Jan-Feb 2014. In progress 7. Organisational workflows for SMD receipt outlined Finer details differ per service, but general workflows outlined for this project.In progress 8. Clinician training in utilising SMD Although this project is only concerned with receipt, we will also train clinicians around how to use the software to send SMD to each other. Pending Communicare v14

4 Organisational workflows for SMD receipt in P2P messaging project Health Service: notes patient to be referred to participating hospital informs AHCSA of details (name, date, etc. ) Health Service: notes patient to be referred to participating hospital informs AHCSA of details (name, date, etc. ) AHCSA: Records interaction (patient and service details in secure database) AHCSA: Records interaction (patient and service details in secure database) Hospital: receives patient Treats sends discharge summary via HIPS Hospital: receives patient Treats sends discharge summary via HIPS Health Service: Receives SMD DS via CCG/ Argus Can open and read SMD DS Health Service: Receives SMD DS via CCG/ Argus Can open and read SMD DS AHCSA: Confirms DS receipt at service level (weekly check with OMO) Analysis of patient numbers vs DS receipts vs any issues at service level Analysis of any points of failure AHCSA: Confirms DS receipt at service level (weekly check with OMO) Analysis of patient numbers vs DS receipts vs any issues at service level Analysis of any points of failure P2P project team: Analyse lessons learnt report P2P project team: Analyse lessons learnt report

5 Key requirements for site readiness to participate in this project: Engaged clinicians – Perceive utility in SMD – willing to engage in project Identifying patients referred Identifying DS received Feedback on usability, training etc. Engaged OMOs & ROs – aware of benefits to service – willing to engage in project Communicate patients referred to AHCSA Communicate DS received to AHCSA Inform, evaluate, investigate issues arising at user end with AHCSA Technical requirements in place : – HPIO, NASH, HPD, NHSD, Communicare v14+ – Functionality tested with AHCSA instance of Communicare & Argus prior to health service involvement AHCSA secure database for analysis

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