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Published byKaylee Sanders Modified over 11 years ago
Plan an IFR flight from Cairns AAF to Monroe County airport, Monroeville, AL (MVC)
Required pubs and equipment: ELA 21/22 TLA Vol 14 or SE 4 TPP IFR-S Gen Planning DD 175-1 Flight log E6B
SME note. 9 AUG 2012: Changed the JUY-MVC COP to where V115 crosses The direct route from JUY-MVC, which Runs North out of CEW VOR. 30 JUL 2012: U1A has been deleted from the ELA. JUDD NDB has been substituted for U1A VOR. The change over Point is located 25 nm from JUDD, which is also the maximum SSV for the JUDD NDB. REMINDER; Weather Flight Planning PE is now a separate Handout apart from the Student Handout. The answers will Remain on the slide show for those desiring to go over the PE in Class orally.
TD 68 Weather Flight Planning PE Critique.
Wx brief source? th OWS, (FIH) Wx void time? Add 1+30 to brief time. 26th can update. T/O 79J? ¼ When to turn on departure? 710 ft MSL (airport elevation + 400ft) Min climb rate? 300 fpm. (use E6B. 90kts g/s, 200ft/nm = 300 fpm) Min cig to file to EDN? – ½ (VOR) If planning to the VOR 300-1/2 (GPS) If planning to the GPS Approach 7. Do you need an alternate at EDN? YES for VOR (VOR is umto) NO for GPS 8. What min wx at EDN would not require an alternate using the VOR IAP? – 3 MEA 2000, minus field elev (361), plus cloud clearance (500), then round up) – 361 = = (2200) 9. Min cig and vis to initiate the approach at EDN? 0 – 0 ch 5, AR 95-1 10. Min forecast wx at Cairns that would allow you to use Cairns as an atlternate? – 1 ¼ If planning for the ILS approach
Flight Planning
Plan an IFR flight from Cairns AAF to Monroe County airport, Monroeville, AL (MVC)
Required pubs and equipment: ELA 21/22 TLA Vol 14 or SE 4 TPP IFR-S Gen Planning DD 175-1 Flight log E6B
Terminal Learning Objective:
Complete DD Form 175 In Accordance With (IAW) DoD Flight Information Publications, Aircraft Operators Manual / Supplement and FM
Enabling Learning Objective A
Complete essential times required. IAW DoD FLIP, Aircraft Operators Supplement, and FM
Mission Briefing URS JAJ Deliver 5 lbs a/c parts to MVC 20145
25-Mar-17 20145 Smith, U.R. Jones, IM N/A IMC/VMC Service Support 09:00 / 2+15 URS JAJ Deliver 5 lbs a/c parts to MVC Mission Briefing
THE NEED? Mission Checklist
Solution: FM Appendix A, Table A-1 Go there at this time Property of URS Corp.
FM Appendix A Table A-1 AIRCRAFT CAPABILITIES. Installed navigational equipment. (ADF,VOR,GPS, etc.) PPC data. Weight and Balance requirements. Maintenance requirements. (Inspections due, MOC, etc.) Anti-ice and deice equipment.
AIRCREW CAPABILITIES Pilot Takeoff Minimums. (AR 95-1)
Required publications. (AR 95-1, DA Pam ) Physical limitations. (Crew endurance requirements, illnesses, medications.) Property of URS Corp.
WEATHER PLANNING Departure weather requirements. (AR 95-1)
En route weather requirements. Arrival weather requirements. (AR 95-1) Weather Hazards. (Icing, TSMS, Turb) Property of URS Corp.
IFR Supplement. (Airfield data, fuel, PPR, Navaid data) ELA. (Routing, altitudes, courses) TLA. (Approach selection, planning minima, [destination and alternate]) FIH. (Position and additional reporting, Lost commo.) AP. (Preferred routes, airfield remarks) GP. (Flight Plan preparation, Aviator responsibilities) NOTAMS. (In person, internet, telephonically)
How to check NOTAMS if not at a
Military airfield
DEPARTURE Standard/nonstandard. (SID,ODP, Diverse departure, VFR climb, Radar departure) Departure weather requirements. (AR 95-1) Departure field Instrument Approach Procedure in the event of emergency during departure.
EN ROUTE Route Selection. (Airways, direct, feeder).
Altitudes. (Airway, semicircular rule, direct routes, feeder routes). En Route weather hazards. (DD Form 175-1) Course changes and change over points. MEA, MOCA, MRA, MCA.
ARRIVAL Note availability of multiple instrument approaches.
Weather requirements. Transitions or feeder routes. Alternate airfield requirements. Inoperative components table.
Times based on ground speed. (For each leg.) Adjust ETE for climb out. (On extended climbs) Missed approach/alternate planning. (GP) Calculate total time.
FUEL REQUIREMENTS ETE based. Alternate/missed approach planning. (GP)
Reserve requirement. (AR 95-1)
In accordance with GP. (Chapter 4)
Plan an IFR Flight From: Cairns AAF To: Monroeville, Monroe Co
Located approximately 75 miles west of Cairns on ELA L-22H, top panel
Start at the destination. Determine IAP to be flown and minimum weather requirements. What IAPs are available at MVC that we have the capability to execute and the planning weather for those IAPs? VOR RWY (500 – 1) VOR RWY (500 – 1) if GPS equipped RNAV (GPS) RWY (600 – 1) RNAV (GPS) RWY (500 – 1)
For this flight we’ve chosen the VOR RWY 3 IAP
NAVAIDS and Routes For this flight we’ve chosen the VOR RWY 3 IAP Determine IAF for the approach procedure to be flown. The IAF for this approach is MVC Back to Alt Planning
Determine minimum weather needed to file using this IAP
(500 – ETA + 1 hr Back to Alt Planning
DD Form175-1 Weather Briefing (600 – 1) Forecast for MVC?
25-Mar-17 B06 / OZR 1345 31010 NONE O 020} } 040} } X X X ENRT ENRT ENRT X VCTY TOI X X ENRT MGM RA BKN 008 OVC LSF RA OVC ABY RA OVC TOI RA BKN 007 OVC DHN RA BKN 004 OVC MVC VRB HZ BKN OZR VRB HZ BKN 1245 1415 ST DD Form175-1 Weather Briefing 29010 Forecast for MVC? (600 – 1) We do have wx to file? Back toAlt Planning Pilot, Peter
We need an alternate if:
ALTERNATE AIRFIELD PLANNING We need an alternate if: 1. Radar required 2. NAVAIDS unmonitored (unmto) (IFR Supp) 3. Predominant weather less than: a. Ceiling 400 feet above…… b. Visibility 1 mile greater…… VFR Exception: - alternate NOT required if VFR conditions exists at MIA and during descent. Approach Chart WX BRIEFING Approach Chart AR e
An alternate is required at our destination due to:
Forecast Wx is not at least (900 – 2) forecast wx is
Worst weather 1. Ceiling 400’ above…… 2. Visibility 1 mile greater…… 3. Not authorized A NA 4. Radar required 5. NAVAIDS unmonitored 6. Class B, C, D, or E airspace to surface 7. GPS required VFR Exception - VFR descent………… AR f
OZR is the only Airfield that meets Wx requirements.
25-Mar-17 B06 / OZR 1345 31010 NONE O 020} } 040} } X X X ENRT ENRT ENRT X VCTY TOI X X ENRT MGM RA BKN 008 OVC LSF RA OVC ABY RA OVC TOI RA BKN 007 OVC DHN RA BKN 004 OVC MVC VRB HZ BKN OZR VRB HZ BKN 1245 1415 ST Select an alternate from The list on the DD 175 OZR is the only Airfield that meets Wx requirements.
Where does the SID route end? OPPTO intersection
Now we must determine the route from OPPTO to the IAF, which is MVC VOR, using the ELA, panel 22 H.
Since there are no practical Victor routes from OPPTO to MVC we will use Direct routing as follows: OPPTO direct JUY NDB direct MVC VOR
ALTITUDE SELECTION 1. Determine minimum altitude for each route segment 2. Consider aloft winds then choose an appropriate altitude, preferably a semicircular rule altitude.
MEF ( you must add 1000 or 2000 ft to MEF) OROCA from the ELA
In determining the altitude for direct legs you may choose a safe altitude based on any of the following: MEF ( you must add 1000 or 2000 ft to MEF) OROCA from the ELA MSA, ESA, or TAA from IAP charts Pilot experience in the area on previous flights. Note: The above altitudes are “safe” altitudes but may not be the “minimum Altitude for IFR operations” , nor, do they necessarily guarantee navaid Reception.
The MIA (minimum IFR altitude) for direct legs will be determined in accordance with FAR 91.177.
This procedure states that you will use the VFR sectional. Plot your course, mark lines parallel 4 nm on each side of your course. Then do a search for the highest obstacle within the 8 nm wide area and add 1000 feet in non-mountainous terrain and 2000 feet in mountainous terrain to determine your MIA. Keep in mind this altitude will guarantee obstacle clearance but not navaid reception.
New Orleans Sectional Chart
4nm MVC 848 4nm JUY OPPTO A search on the Sectional reveals the highest obstacle to be 848 feet and Is located in this area of the 8 nm zone = 1848 MIA
Pilot’s Flight Log
The pilot’s log is designed to assist in cockpit organization.
NOTE The pilot’s log is designed to assist in cockpit organization. You need to list only the check points needed for required actions, such as course turns, ground speed checks,VOR change overpoints, etc.
1+ 05 DEST / MVC R20145 ALT 4000 WIND 26010 +12 TAS 95
OPPTO OPPTO JUY MVC 84 OZR 111.2 -2 23 0+16 40 84 OPPTO CEW R-041 273 61 JUY JUY 264 -3 11 40 84 0+08 282 50 JUY 264 -2 15 COP is crossing V 115 COP 0+11 40 84 280 35 -2 MVC 116.8 35 MVC 0+25 40 84 280 Est App time VOR RWY 3 MVC 116.8 0+05 1+ 05
An Alternate method of depicting Change Over Point
DEST / MVC R20145 ALT 4000 WIND TAS 95 OPPTO OPPTO JUY MVC 84 OZR 111.2 -2 23 40 84 OPPTO 0+16 CEW R-041 273 61 JUY 264 -3 11 40 84 JUY 0+08 282 50 MVC -2 COP ETE 0+18 from JUY MVC 116.8 50 0+36 40 84 280 VOR RWY 3 0+05 Est App time MVC 116.8 1+05 An Alternate method of depicting Change Over Point Time to the half way point from JUY to MVC
An Alternate method of depicting Change Over Point
DEST / MVC R20145 ALT 4000 WIND TAS 95 OPPTO OPPTO JUY MVC 84 OZR 111.2 -2 23 40 84 OPPTO 0+16 CEW R-041 273 61 JUY 264 -3 11 40 84 JUY 0+08 282 50 MVC MVC 116.8 -2 50 0+36 40 84 COP CEW R342 115.9 280 VOR RWY 3 0+05 Est App time MVC 116.8 1+05 An Alternate method of depicting Change Over Point Use Off route Navaid and plot a COP radial
alternate airfield. Complete Flight log to alternate.
Determine route to the alternate airfield. Complete Flight log to alternate. Our route will be: MVC direct JUY direct RUCKR
Alternate Airfield Flight Log
Routing to the Alternate: 1. Start at the MAP 2. then to the Missed approach holding fix 3. one circuit in the pattern 4. then to the alternate airfield IAP IAF. FM appendix A, para A-15
1+00 ALTERNATE / OZR R20145 ALT 4000 WIND 26010 +12 TAS 95
MVC JUY RUCKR 81 MVC Miss App MVC 116.8 0+02 20 0+04 HOLD 1 circuit JUY JUY 264 +2 50 0+28 40 106 COP CEW R 342 106 31 RUCKR OZ 212 +2 31 40 106 0+18 106 ILS RWY 06 I-OZR 109.7 0+08 1+00
FUEL REQUIRED is the amount of fuel needed to complete all portions of the mission. For planning, fuel required includes: 1. Fuel required for run-up and taxi. (Avg 20 minutes) Fuel to reach destination airport (to touchdown) Fuel required to reach the alternate (from MAP to touchdown) Fuel reserve 5. Fuel for planned additional approaches or holding We will use the acronym E A R A to determine fuel required
62 gallons Required fuel at Take off.
E A R A E (ETE from flight log) A (ETE from destination to alternate R (required fuel reserve) A (additional fuel required for practice approaches and holding) Total This time must be converted to gallons based on the PPC estimated burn rate at a burn rate of 23.8 gph equals 62 gallons. This is the total fuel needed for this mission at TAKE OFF. 62 gallons Required fuel at Take off. Enter this figure on the Flight Log in the REQUIRED FUEL block.
Required Fuel at Takeoff 62 gal
In some situations it may be necessary to determine how much fuel is required before engine start. Example: With the cargo load you may not be able to fill the fuel tank due to GWT limits, therefore you would need to know fuel expected to be used during run up and taxi to know fuel required before engine start. Use the acronym REARA
A general estimate for run up and taxi at OZR is 20 minutes.
20 minutes at 23.8 gal/h is about 8 gal Plan on 8 gal required for run up and taxi Add this to the required fuel: = 70 gal 70 gal would be required in the tank before engine start
Required Fuel at Takeoff 62 gal /70 gal
REARA = 70 gal required at preflight
Fuel Available is the total usable fuel contained in the aircraft fuel tank at takeoff and is entered as hours and minutes on the DD Form 175 in the Fuel on Board block. Determined by subtracting the estimated fuel used during run-up and taxi from usable fuel in the tank prior to preflight. Average time for run-up and taxi is normally about 20 minutes (about 8 gal) Fuel Available represents the total time the aircraft can remain aloft (from T/O to burn out) at cruise profile.
Fuel available at Take Off
62 gal 74.6 (3+08) Usable fuel at preflight (if topped off)……… gal Minus fuel used for run up/taxi………… _ gal Fuel available at take off……………………… gal While we are here go ahead and convert 74.6 gal to TIME based on the fuel burn rate for the Fuel on Board flight plan entry. 74.6 gal / 23.8 gph =
Enabling Learning Objective B
Complete DD Form 175 IAW DoD FLIP, Aircraft Operators Supplement, and FM
Flight from Cairns to Monroeville
25-Mar-17 R20145 B06/G I 95 OZR 1345 40 OPPTO 2 • OPPTO JUY MVC MVC 1+05 Enter “I” for instrument flight or “V” for VFR Enter TRUE A/S from cruise chart Enter 3 letter identifier for departure airport Enter proposed departure time in UTC. Enter requested altitude (2 digits) Enter identifier for destination airport. Enter route of flight. Last entry is the IAF for the planned approach procedure Enter time enroute from takeoff to destination exclusive of planned enroute delays. Flight from Cairns to Monroeville
NOTE There is a discrepancy in computing ETE between the AIM and GP Ch 4. Use GP, Ch 4, Item 11 b. and the second NOTE to determine ETE Compute ETE to the destination airport from take-off to over the destination airport (landing) exclusive of planned en-route delays.
Remarks - Request services (fuel) at Monroe County
B06/G I 95 OZR 1345 40 OPPTO 2 • OPPTO JUY MVC MVC 1+05 Remarks - Request services (fuel) at Monroe County Rank/Honor Code - if required Fuel endurance in Hours and Minutes, based on number of gallons available at TAKEOFF and the consumption rate at the planned cruise profile. ( GPH = 3+08) MVC - S 3 + 08
Alternate and ETE to alternate (if required)
25-Mar-17 R20145 B06/G I 95 OZR 1345 40 OPPTO 2 • OPPTO JUY MVC MVC 1+05 Date and location of 365-4 Alternate and ETE to alternate (if required) Verify NOTAMS checked Verify weather briefing and or weather briefer initials 3 + 08 OZR 1+00 SO 1415 OZR 25-Mar-17 20145 / USAACE/ OZR Ivan M. Smith SMITH, I. M. CW4 HQ, DES/Ft Rucker, AL PI JONES, U. R. 2LT B Co / 1/ 145 BN / Ft Rucker, AL
Enabling Learning Objective C
Complete a Stop over Flight Plan
Sample Stopover Flight Plan
25-Mar-17 R20145 B06 /G I 94 OZR 1100 50 CLIOS 2 CLIOS V7 BANBI BLOOD TOI 0+55 I 94 TOI 1455 40 BLOOD MGM MARRA (2+58) MGM 0+45 Sample Stopover Flight Plan TOI - S 2+58 WG 1130 OZR 25-Mar-17 20145 / USAACE/ OZR Ivan M. Smith SMITH, I. M. CW4 HQ, DES /Ft Rucker, AL PI JONES, U. R. 2LT B Co / 1 /145 BN / Ft Rucker, AL
Sample Stopover Flight Plan (alternate required for second leg)
25-Mar-17 R20145 B06 /G I 94 OZR 1100 40 CLIOS 2 CLIOS V7 MGM MARRA MGM 1+16 I 94 MGM 1455 50 MGM V20 TGE V159 EUF (2+58 OZR 0+30) EUF 1+15 Sample Stopover Flight Plan (alternate required for second leg) MGM - S 2+58 WG 1130 OZR 25-Mar-17 20145 / USAACE/ OZR Ivan M. Smith SMITH, I. M. CW4 HQ, DES /Ft Rucker, AL PI JONES, U. R. 2LT B Co 1 /1/ 145 BN / Ft Rucker, AL
Enabling Learning Objective D
Complete a DD Form 175 with a Planned Enroute Delay.
(Terminal Holding Delay)
25-Mar-17 R20145 B06 /G I 95 OZR 1100 50 CLIOS 2 • CLIOS V7 BANBI V70 EUF 0+41 ® D EUF MGM I 95 EUF 1156 40 EUF V MGM MARRA MGM 1+05 Sample Flight Plan (Terminal Holding Delay) 2+58 WG 1130 OZR 13-Jan-11 20145 / USAACE/ OZR Ivan M. Smith SMITH, I. M. CW4 HQ, DES / Ft Rucker, AL PI JONES, U. R. 2LT B Co /1/145 BN / Ft Rucker, AL
Sample Flight Plan (Enroute Delay)
25-Mar-17 R20145 B06 /G I 95 OZR 1100 50 CLIOS 2• CLIOS V7 BANBI / D V7 MGM MARRA MGM 1+16 Sample Flight Plan (Enroute Delay) 2 +58 WG 1130 OZR 25-Mar-17 20145 / USAACE/ OZR Ivan M. Smith SMITH, I. M. CW4 HQ, DES / Ft Rucker, AL PI JONES, U. R. 2LT B Co / 1/ 145 BN / Ft Rucker, AL
Break Time Be back prior to arrival at OZR. (ETA 00+10)
1+05 DEST / MVC R20145 ALT 4000 WIND 26010 +12 TAS 95
OPPTO OPPTO JUY MVC 84 -2 23 40 84 OPPTO OZR 111.2 0+16 CEW R-041 273 61 UIA 110.2 -3 11 40 84 UIA 0+08 282 50 MVC MVC 116.8 -2 50 0+36 40 84 280 VOR RWY 3 0+05 Est App time MVC 116.8 1+05
TD 68 Weather Flight Planning PE Critique.
Wx brief source? th OWS, (FIH) Wx void time? Add 1+30 to brief time. 26th can update. T/O 79J? ¼ When to turn on departure? 709 ft MSL (airport elevation + 400ft) Min climb rate? 300 fpm. (use E6B. 90kg/s, 200ft/nm = 300 fpm) Min cig to file to EDN? – ½ (VOR) If planning to the VOR 300-1/2 (GPS) If planning to the GPS Approach 7. Do you need an alternate at EDN? YES for VOR NO for GPS 8. What min wx at EDN would not require an alternate? – 3 (Arrival MEA (2000), minus field elevation (361), plus cloud clearance (500), then round up) – 361 = = (2200) 9. Min cig and vis to initiate the approach at EDN? 0 – 0 ch 5, AR 95-1 10. Min forecast wx at Cairns that would allow you to use Cairns as an atlternate? – 1 ¼ If planning for the ILS approach
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