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Media and Youth Culture. Today’s Menu Taste of : – Hilarious Bloopers

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Presentation on theme: "Media and Youth Culture. Today’s Menu Taste of : – Hilarious Bloopers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Media and Youth Culture

2 Today’s Menu Taste of : – Hilarious Bloopers – Collect Money for fast – Review of characteristics of ritual, culture Main Course: – Looking at media and youth culture

3 Media Search on Youth Culture Which media most influences your (youth) culture?

4 Youth Culture How does this medium influence youth culture? What attracts you to this medium?

5 How does this medium impact on how you behave, dress, eat, date, spend time, etc?

6 Youth Culture Cont’d Who sponsors this medium? What values are motivating the sponsors? What influence would the sponsors like to have upon you? How free are we to reject or accept the values, beliefs and meanings of the medium?

7 Youth Culture Cont’d What pressure do you experience to follow the trends, the language, the codes of conduct of the medium? Who do you admire ? List the attributes of the person you admire?

8 Youth Culture Lady Gaga- Love Games NPi4 NPi4

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