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B ASIC T ERMINOLOGY. W ORDS W E W ILL C OVER T ODAY Digital Camera Digital Pixels Pixelization File Formats Focus & Clarity.

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2 W ORDS W E W ILL C OVER T ODAY Digital Camera Digital Pixels Pixelization File Formats Focus & Clarity

3 DIGITAL CAMERA A type of camera that stores the photographed image electronically rather than on film. The images are downloaded onto a computer where they can be manipulated.

4 D IGITAL Describes a method of storing, processing and transmitting information through the use of distinct electronic or optical pulses that are displayed in numerical digits Digital Digital in Photography

5 P IXELS (P ICTURE E LEMENTS ) Pixels is short for picture elements The small dots that make up an electronic image Megapixel = 1 million pixels. More pixels = higher resolution

6 P IXELIZATION Image-editing technique, used in multimedia and image production, in which an image is blurred by displaying part or all of it at a lower resolution

7 F ILE F ORMATS a particular way that information is encoded for storage in a computer file Types of Image File Formats JPEG GIF RAW TIFF PNG BMP PSP PSD

8 CLARITY & FOCUS What is it?

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