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I NTRO TO D IGITAL P HOTOGRAPHY August 8, 2011. O BJECTIVES Complete Pre Test Introduce the class website Create blogs Discuss the basic terminology associated.

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Presentation on theme: "I NTRO TO D IGITAL P HOTOGRAPHY August 8, 2011. O BJECTIVES Complete Pre Test Introduce the class website Create blogs Discuss the basic terminology associated."— Presentation transcript:


2 O BJECTIVES Complete Pre Test Introduce the class website Create blogs Discuss the basic terminology associated with Digital Photography

3 C LASS W EBSITE URL location First thing you will visit everyday Type of Information included on site Who can visit this site Contact Information & Useful Links

4 B LOGS Will use this to complete daily bell assignments Use your name as your username; add numbers if necessary. E-mail me your link or write it down and give to me


6 W ORDS W E W ILL C OVER T ODAY Digital Digital Camera Pixels Digital Photography Pixelization File Formats

7 D IGITAL Describes a method of storing, processing and transmitting information through the use of distinct electronic or optical pulses that are displayed in numerical digits Example

8 DIGITAL CAMERA A type of camera that stores the photographed image electronically rather than on film. The images are downloaded onto a computer where they can be manipulated.

9 P IXELS (P ICTURE E LEMENTS ) Pixels is short for picture elements The small dots that make up an electronic image The dots are so small they make the image appear smooth Represents the smallest graphic unit of measurement on a screen Megapixel = 1 million pixels. More pixels = higher resolution

10 D IGITAL P HOTOGRAPHY Photography where the image is exposed, captured, and stored electronically rather than on film Digital photography works very much the same way as traditional film photography. Light passes through the lens onto a light-sensitive material called digital photo-sensor (DPS) this is also the equivalent of the traditional film. The sensor is an array of millions of light-sensitive cells of photodiodes (electronic circuits) which respond to the light falling on it when the camera opens its shutter. A corresponding signal is then created in which it is ‘digitized’ (aka given a number value) so that the computer, in your camera, can read it. In essence, the sensor in your camera acts like it is painting your photograph by numbers.

11 P IXELIZATION Image-editing technique in which an image is blurred by displaying part or all of it at a lower resolution If you enlarge any digital image enough, the pixels will begin to show the pixelization effect The more pixels there are in an image, the more it can be enlarged before pixelization occurs. Example: Multimedia & image production

12 F ILE F ORMATS a particular way that information is encoded for storage in a computer file Types of Image File Formats JPEG GIF RAW TIFF PNG BMP PSP PSD & More File Formats Activity

13 T ODAY W E L EARNED A BOUT … Class Website Blogs Digital Digital Camera Pixels Pixelization Digital Photography File Formats

14 T OMORROW W E W ILL C OVER … Equipment Procedures Equipment Care Basic Camera Operations & Anatomy

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