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 Welcome to the 2012-2013 School Year August 20, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: " Welcome to the 2012-2013 School Year August 20, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1  Welcome to the 2012-2013 School Year August 20, 2012

2  This morning is about: The Strategic Plan and Transformational Changes Introducing the Office of School Improvement and Innovation Meet Matt Louis

3  The Strategic Plan is designed to create a transformed school district.  The plan and our work together is about… Transformational Change

4 1. Radical changes that are capable of altering entire industries and cultures. 2. The highest of three types of organizational change (other types: incremental and developmental) 3. Involves implementation of an evolutionary new state, which requires major and often on- going shifts in organizational strategy and operations. 4. A transformational change is designed to be organization-wide and is enacted over a period of time.

5  Six objectives; each with multiple action steps  Designed to drive us toward the future; a guiding light  Additional funding needed to complete the plan (technology etc.)  Sets the guidelines and tone for our educational guarantee

6 Standards (CCSS, New Standards)  Power Standards: teach what is important to teach  Narrow the focus, teach concepts with greater depth Reliable Assessment and Data Instruments  Short-Cycle Assessments (eventually online assessments with the IIS or another product) FIP Your School starting this year; in all buildings by 2014  This isn’t something extra

7 Pro-Ohio was piloted in math grades 6, 7, 8, and 10 during second semester District personnel worked for months to bring this instructional tool for grades 1-10 CCSS questions (and pro-Ohio’s new product) not completely ready Difficulty with Technology (dual platform, clickers, not enough computers etc) Many discussions, meetings, conference calls, including efforts last Thursday afternoon to secure this program Funding: cost in excess of $199,000 (unbudgeted expense)

8 1. Identify a list of all existing district technology programs and software to build a comprehensive inventory. Use the inventory list as the starting point for increasing student/teacher access and effective use. 2. Strengthen district hardware and software technology infrastructure to expand access (2013-2014…part of the educational guarantee) 3. Implement a comprehensive technology plan for instruction, professional development, and student engagement/access (2013-2014...part of the educational guarantee)

9  FIP Your School: focused professional development program  Peer Assistance and Review: strong professional development in a PLC (you’ll hear more on Friday morning)  OTES and OPES: framework for mandated professional development

10 1. Administrative Team (all levels) taking the lead to promote and model communication at all levels-building productive relationships 2. Restructured administrative meetings: problem solving time 3. Increase positive success stories in the media 4. Board of Education Members: Community Engagement Plan 5. Key Communicators 6. Reimagined/Reinvigorated Citizens Advisory Council

11 1. We are proud of our efforts to balance the budget, we are not proud of staff cuts or salary and benefit cuts 2. Drastically reduced expenditures and the number of district staff 3. Dramatic pay freezes and benefit cuts 4. Innovative methods to create efficiencies and save dollars 5. You’ll hear more about Fiscal Responsibility with Brad and Ted on Friday morning

12 1. PBiS at all district buildings 2. Accountability for the Strategic Plan at all levels Superintendent Walk-Through Principal Walk-Through Collect evidence The Office of School Improvement and Innovation

13  People talk on Facebook, and in the other social media, I decided to bring you the facts first….  Creating the office of School Improvement and Innovation is one of the key building blocks of moving our district forward, and it is being done at a substantial cost savings to the district.

14  The Facts: District Savings: in excess of $500,000 between FY 2011 an FY 2013 Additional savings over a period of time as many other positions have been eliminated Positions eliminated; work absorbed by the Office of School Improvement and Innovation Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum Secretary to the Superintendent Title I coordinator Entry-Year Facilitator Elementary Curriculum Supervisor Secondary Curriculum Supervisor Community Relations Coordinator

15 1. With the elimination of so many positions, it became necessary to realign and define the leadership tasks and the leadership work. 2. This will be a team approach for all school improvement efforts and implementing the strategic plan. 3. Research based best practice shows that a collaborative work environment creates greater productivity, and produces a higher quality work product. 4. The Office of School Improvement and Innovation means working smarter not harder at a savings to the district. 5. The Office of School Improvement and Innovation provides the structure for a dynamic work flow that will accelerate transformational change and propel the district into the future.

16  Sum of salary and benefit cost for FY 2011 (for apples to apples comparison): $813,720.00  Sum of salary and benefit cost for FY 2013: $313,697.00  This is a $500,023 annual savings in administrative costs compared to the FY 2011 school year  And, we have transformed the structure of services fit for the 21 st century

17  Introductions:  Supervisor of Special Education: Dianna Alliod  Coordinator of Federal Programs: Jill Adams  (millions of dollars of federal funds affecting over 26 teacher positions and other district personnel)  K-12 Curriculum Supervisor: Vacant  Administrative Specialist: Mark Manley  Improvement Specialist: Josh Newport  Fully funded by Race to the Top  Administrative Flow Chart and Responsibility List will be available in late September

18  We are in the process of developing an Educational Guarantee.  The Educational Guarantee will be the services and structure that we will provide if the levy passes. The Guarantee will be based upon the main ideas of the strategic plan, and include the clear vision for the Xenia Schools set forth in the Strategic Plan. There will also be critical programs and services that can be restored when the levy passes.

19  Athletic Director: Matt Louis

20 Expectations, E X cellence, E X traordinary Students, Every Day…

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