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The Insurance Barn Navigating our Facebook Page. Finding Our Facebook Page There are 3 ways to find The Insurance Barn’s Facebook page. 1.From your browser.

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Presentation on theme: "The Insurance Barn Navigating our Facebook Page. Finding Our Facebook Page There are 3 ways to find The Insurance Barn’s Facebook page. 1.From your browser."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Insurance Barn Navigating our Facebook Page

2 Finding Our Facebook Page There are 3 ways to find The Insurance Barn’s Facebook page. 1.From your browser type www.facebook/theinsurancebarnwww.facebook/theinsurancebarn 2. From our blog,, click link to our FB page in the right hand side-bar. 3. In the blue Facebook search bar type “The Insurance Barn” and choose the one with the picture of the red barn.

3 The Insurance Barn FB Page This is a sample of the top of the Timeline you will see when you first arrive at our Facebook page. Once you get here, there are several things that you can do.

4 “Like” us The first time you visit our page, click the “Like” button. From that point on you will be notified whenever changes are made to this page.

5 Call Us If you have questions about insurance and want to speak with us, call this number.

6 Message Us If you have an insurance question but do not feel like calling our office, click the message button to ask it over the internet. We will try to get you an answer within 24 hours if at all possible.

7 View our infographics If you want to view our infographics to learn general facts about insurance, click on this icon.

8 View our You Tube Channel Our You Tube channel has nothing to do with insurance. It is pure nostalgia for Baby Boomers. Click the icon to take a trip back in time.

9 Featured Pages We rotate our insurance pages. Click the icon for the one in which you are interested. You want be redirected to a page where you will get more information.

10 Our Portfolio Click this button to see icons for all the types of insurance available though The Insurance Barn. Click on the icon to learn more about that type of insurance.

11 FB Links At the top of the right hand column you will find links to the Facebook pages of our insurance companies.

12 Infographics again The second box in the column on the right will give you another chance to view our infographics.

13 Nostalgia box The first box in the left column offers an explanation of what is featured on our You Tube nostalgia channel.

14 Newsfeed When you “Like” this page you will be notified whenever it is updated. This is a running list of all updates that I make to this site. It has my input as well as that of other writers and reporters on insurance matters.

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