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GALYIC Up-date. Coming Out1998 n15 2008 n50 2010 n20 First Told17.214.814.

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Presentation on theme: "GALYIC Up-date. Coming Out1998 n15 2008 n50 2010 n20 First Told17.214.814."— Presentation transcript:

1 GALYIC Up-date

2 Coming Out1998 n15 2008 n50 2010 n20 First Told17.214.814

3 Parental Rejection 199820082010 mum 2010 dad Out to Parents93%88%80%55% Negative Parents14%71%44%45%

4 Progress Family Support Project: Partnership with Maze DV team at WomenCentre

5 School 199820082010 Knew about sexuality80%92%100% Out at school13%44%60% Experienced homophobic abuse 67%76%70% Witnessed homophobic abuse 80%74%80% Truanted/dropped out13%28%43% Supportive teacher7%73%45% Positive information13%18%35%

6 Progress Referrals from six schools Input to SEAL teachers and provided packs Schools to record homophobic bullying Jan 2010 but voluntary Working with other services to set up after-school support groups Joint project with Learning Services



9 Homophobic Hate Incidents 199820082010 HHI60%68%50%

10 Progress As far as we can see, been little progress over past 11 years in tackling homophobic abuse on the streets, despite evidence GALYIC have repeatedly provided. This week’s Church Times has article by Bishop Stephen of Wakefield saying Christians should tackle homophobia – written after a visit to GALYIC!

11 Housing199820082010 Homelessness27%26%20%

12 Progress Draft youth homelessness strategy includes LGBTs and proposes: –Training for those working with families and schools about reasons for homelessness including homophobia –Explore commissioning options and review appropriate accommodation pathways to include vulnerable groups (LGBTs)

13 Substance Use199820082010 Tobacco40%46%65% Alcohol33%58%24% Drugs33%44%30%

14 Progress Currently no service targetted at LGBT youth with substance misuse problems Working with Branching Out to increase awareness Applied to Comic Relief for targeted work

15 Mental Health199820082010 Depression82%72%60% Anxiety67%56%50% Suicidal Thoughts80%72%50% Suicide Attempts13%56%40% Self Harm40%74%75% Phobias13%20%30% Eating Disorder20%8%12%

16 Progress Little progress Meeting with CAMHS September 2010 –Presentation (not training) early 2011? –Possibility of half a day training Suicide Prevention Strategy about to be renewed – be interesting to see if include LGBT youth

17 Sexual Vulnerability199820082010 Rape27%24%5% Sexual Abuse20%32%10% Not Practise Safer Sex when drunk 47%54%70%

18 Progress Currently no service/information specifically targeting the needs of LGBT young people around sexual health needs

19 GP199820082010 Out53%12%18%

20 Progress Not aware of any progress

21 GALYIC Annual Evaluation 73% less isolated since attending GALYIC 55% felt less depressed 91% confidence increased 100% more positive LGBT identity 91% GALYIC had improved self esteem

22 Public Sector Equality Duty April 2011 eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation advance equality of opportunity foster good relations remove or minimise disadvantages take steps to meet the needs of persons encourage persons to participate in public life or in any other activity in which participation by such persons is disproportionately low tackle prejudice, and promote understanding

23 158 Positive action suffer a disadvantage connected to the characteristic: overcome or minimise that disadvantage; needs that are different from the needs of persons who do not share it: meeting those needs; participation in an activity is disproportionately low: enabling or encouraging persons to participate in that activity.

24 Secondary school teachers views of group: 1,700 Target for bullying School actively promoting respect for Seen by teachers as feeling supported in school Boy86839 Girl107043 Transgender1577 LGB461614 Disabled258178 Ethnic minority196747 Religion115337

25 Positive action 1. Parents - multi-agency care pathway for LGBT young people who are vulnerable at home.

26 Positive action 2. School - zero tolerance of homophobic/transphobic bullying; support for LGBT young people in schools

27 Positive action 3. Hate Crime - expand current, Third Party Reporting Centre scheme to include targeted support; awareness training for police

28 Positive action 4. Housing - appropriate accommodation pathways for homeless LGBT youth (see Newcastle)

29 Positive action 5. Substance Misuse - local substance misuse strategy to include LGBT youth as vulnerable; specific, targeted service to meet the needs of LGBT youth

30 Positive action 6. Mental Health - specific multi-agency care pathway for LGBT young people with mental health problems

31 Positive action 7. Sexual Health - sexual health strategy to include LGBT young people, including vulnerability to HIV (young men), teenage pregnancy and appropriate safer sex information

32 Positive action 8. Health - all GPs to be aware of the specific health inequalities that face LGBT young people and be able to respond appropriately.

33 Conclusions Significant ‘sea’ change in other services in Calderdale after 11 years of drip-drip No increase in GALYIC funding yet only service specifically targeting needs of LGBT young people and supporting other agencies to develop more appropriate services GALYIC forced to reduce youth group & drop- in to 21 years

34 Conclusions Significant reduction in GALYIC funding next year April 2011 Public Sector Duty (Equality Act) by law services proactively meet needs and challenge homophobia Clear need for programme of Positive Actions to meet the identified needs of LGBT young people GALYIC in ideal position to help agencies meet legal requirements.

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