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Social Pedagogy in a learning perspective Bodil Weirsøe University College Zealand Denmark.

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1 Social Pedagogy in a learning perspective Bodil Weirsøe University College Zealand Denmark

2 What relevant learning possibilities in social pedagogical work does a non- violent-communication (NVC) approach hold?

3 Learning theorems Cognitive: Skinner, Piaget Social: Vygotsky, Lave &Wenger Emotional:Bowlby, Stern

4 The Danish professor of education Knud Illeris states that all learning involves three dimensions, which must always be considered if an understanding or analysis of a learning situation is to be adequate: Content: the knowledge, skill, understanding that is learned Incentive: the mental energy it takes to spark and maintain the learning process Interaction: with social and/or material environment

5 Peter Jarvis’ aspects of learning processes: Experiencing Perceiving Thinking Knowing Believing Feeling – emotions Doing Interacting Valuing Positioning

6 Non Violent Communication (NVC) A communications approach developed by Marshall Rosenberg. Strongly inspired by the thoughts and works of humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers Overarching aim of the approach: To promote empathy between human beings NVC is a state of mind: You can communicate non-violently without uttering a word

7 In NVC empathy means to: Direct your attention towards the other persons feelings and needs by asking a question trying to guess the persons feelings and needs at this particular moment

8 EmpathyNot empathy Direct your attention at what goes on behind the other person’s words by making guesses in the form of questions about the person’s feelings and needs at this particular moment  Advising: I think you should…  One-upping: that’s nothing, wait till you hear my story…  Educating: You could turn this into a very positive experience if you….  Consoling: It wasn’t your fault  Storytelling: That reminds me of the time when I…..  Shutting down: Cheer up, put it behind you, get on with your life  Sympathising: Oh you poor thing, I feel so sorry for you  Interrogating: When did this begin?  Explaining: That’s just because….  Correcting: That’s not how it happened

9 The basic components of NVC N on V iolent C ommunication Observation Feelings Needs (if relevant: interpretation) Request

10 Statements By giving emotional support through NVC the social pedagogue can strengthen the child’s courage to leave her comfort zone and enter the learning zone By applying NVC the social pedagogue can facilitate significant learning processes in the child as well as in the social pedagogue

11 Residential institution for youngsters at risk Sunday evening…. A girl - Molly - has just returned from spending the weekend with her mother, gone directly to her room and locked the door. Tom, a social pedagogue, passes by her room and can smell cigaret smoke. The youngsters are not allowed to smoke inside of the institution. Tom decides to knock on Mollys door and….

12 Expressing oneself empathetically Tom: Molly, I would really like to talk to you for a minute (expressing his request) Molly: does not answer (expressing???) Tom: I can smell something that seems like cigarette smoke from your room. (expressing his observation) This concerns me a bit (expressing his feelings) you know we like to keep fresh air in the house (expressing his need) I also am worried about how you are doing (expressing his feelings) will you let me talk with you inside your room (expressing a request)

13 Expressing empathy with the other Tom: Molly, I can smell something that seems like cigarette smoke from your room (expressing his observation) I am guessing you are feeling upset (expressing empathy with the other persons feeling) and wants a smoke before so you can relax before going to bed (expressing empathy with the other persons need) Will you tell me if that’s the case? (expressing his request)

14 In the two examples: What relevant learning possibilities arise from Tom’s choice of expression?

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