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Term 1: Collaboration at LFATA Afternoon Tea with Landau’s Got Talent.

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Presentation on theme: "Term 1: Collaboration at LFATA Afternoon Tea with Landau’s Got Talent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Term 1: Collaboration at LFATA Afternoon Tea with Landau’s Got Talent

2 you our local community The Event : An afternoon of tea, entertainment and fun for you and our local community.

3 Landau’s Got Talent ~Working collaboratively ~Auditions ~Showcasing your talents to judges ~Being confident ~Entertaining our community Your Involvement! ~Volunteering to take part ~Supporting those who showcase their talent ~Waiters and waitresses to serve ~Hosts for each table of our guests ~Doormen – invite and welcome ~Student Leadership Team – judging auditions Afternoon Tea with OUR local community ~Donating food and raffle prizes ~Chatting with our guests ~Serving tea, coffee and cakes ~Smiling and being friendly to our community Advertising and Decoration ~Posters and advertising ~Decorating the theatre and tables ~Designing invitations ~Name cards for tables ~Origami decorations Advertising and Decoration ~Posters and advertising ~Decorating the theatre and tables ~Designing invitations ~Name cards for tables ~Origami decorations When? Wednesday 9 th October 2013 4pm-5.30pm When? Wednesday 9 th October 2013 4pm-5.30pm

4 Who’s in charge?When?What do I need to do?Who? CLF and JMFFirst week of Term 1Contact RKR about Afternoon Tea sandwiches for event on 9th CLF JMF Personal TutorsMonday 26 th August - 6 th September Promoting the event – starting decorations/posters Year 8,9,10,11 JMF CLFWC Monday 9 th Send out invitation/poster advertising the event – first come first serve – community MUST reply by Monday 23 rd. Community Personal Tutors and Student Leadership Team By Friday 13 th Send application of ‘why I’m great for the job’ to Students Leadership Team You (Ask you PT to help you write the application – you MUST sell yourself well!) JMF CLFMonday 23 rd Collect first 50 invites from reception and send out personalised invitation/reply to the community. Reception CLF JMF Student Leadership Team (advertise the judging/audition process) Speak to GKH 9 th September – 20 th September Available for judges auditions for event. Appoint a team of organisers/decorators for session 6 of 9 th October You Student Leadership Team9 th -20 th Interview for table hosts and hostesses and doormen to welcome our guests. You You and Personal Tutors26 th August-20 th September Donations for raffle prizesEveryone LFATA3 rd OctoberAdvertise LFATA’s Got Talent to Year 6 students LFATA You and Personal TutorsMonday 7 th - Wednesday 9 th Cakes and TreatsEveryone Technology and food? Sandwiches?

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