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Published byEliezer Pottenger Modified over 10 years ago
Le Futur OBJECTIVES Saying what you are going to do Using the immediate future and the simple future
You have learnt lots of verbs in the present tense. They are all very useful when you want to talk about what is happening now, or every day. But you may want to talk about things that haven’t happened yet, that are in the future.
One way of doing this is to use the immediate future (in French the futur proche). This is really easy. All you do is take the present tense of the verb aller (to go) and put an infinitive on the end. Je vais – I go / I am going Je vais + manger – I am going to eat But do you remember the verb aller?
Click to listen to the verb “Aller” and write in the boxes what you hear Le verbe ALLER
Je vais I go/I am going Nous allons We go/we are going Tu vas You go/ you are going Vous allez (Formal) You goes/you are going Il va (masculine) He goes/he is going Ils vont (masculine) They go/they are going Elle va (feminine) She goes/she is going Elles vont (feminine) They go/they are going
See if you can do this exercise: Write the French for the following English expressions I go/I am going We go/we are going You go/ you are goingYou goes/you are going He goes/he is goingThey go/they are going She goes/she is goingThey go/they are going Check
Je il vous nous tu elles Rester en famille Déjeuner chez lui Faire les magasins Retrouver les copains Faire un barbecue Faire une balade en vélo Write the correct form of aller and then translate the sentences in the box on the right Check
Je il vous nous tu elles Rester en famille Déjeuner chez lui Faire les magasins Retrouver les copains Faire un barbecue Faire une balade en vélo Write the correct form of aller and then translate the sentences in the box on the right
Decide if what you hear is a future or not and then in the box provided write what you hear in French and the translation in English Check
Decide if what you hear is a future or not and then in the box provided write what you hear in French and the translation in English
Listen (Click on the boxes and write what Ian is doing at the week-end ) Check
Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verb aller: Va or vont Check
Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verb aller: Va or vont Va or vont (only)
Look at your diary when you get to France at your pen friend’s house and try to write a paragraph about it in the box below Samedi matin:en famille, faire les magasins, déjeuner au snack Après-midi: 14.30 – volley ball au terrain de sport Soir: une boum chez Mélissa Dimanchegrasse matinée, petit déjeuner, visiter grand-parents de Delphine Après-mididéjeuner, balade en vélo a la campagne Lundi8.00 – départ du collège pour aller visiter un musée Après-midialler à la plage Soircinéma avec les copains de Delphine Check
CORRECTION jevais restervais faire nous allons déjeuner Samedi matin, je vais rester en famille, puis je vais faire les magasins avec ma correspondante, puis nous allons déjeuner au snack. on va jouer L'après-midi à 14.30 on va jouer au volley ball au terrain de sport. on va aller Le soir on va aller à une boum chez Mélissa. je vais faireje vais prendre on va visiter Le dimanche, je vais faire la grasse matinée, puis je vais prendre le petit- déjeuner, ensuite on va visiter les grands-parents de Delphine. on va déjeuneron va faire L'après-midi on va déjeuner et puis on va faire une balade en vélo à la campagne. je vais partir aller visiter Lundi je vais partir du collège à 8 heures pour aller visiter un musée. nous allons allerallonsnous amuser L'après-midi nous allons aller à la plage nous allons bien nous amuser! je vais aller Le soir je vais aller au cinéma avec les copains de Delphine.
Click on the link below to take you to an exercise in a word document. Attention go to Web lay out to see it properly Le futur proche Je vais aller
Waterballoon game Car Tune game Duck race game Sinking boat- hangman Click on the pictures
Darts night game meteorites Jigsaw Sink the boat
Practise with these links
Extension: Le futur
LE FUTUR simple Now another way of saying things in the future is to use: LE FUTUR SIMPLE
LE FUTUR simple 1.Verbs ending in ER Take the infinitive (the form of the verb you find in the dictionary) -e-example: (to eat) = manger add the following endings ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont. There are 6 different endings. It depends what the subject of the verb is Je tu il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles
LE FUTUR simple ai I will eatje manger ai as You will eatTu manger as a He will eatIl manger a a She will eatElle manger a ons We will eatNous manger ons ez You will eatVous manger ez ont They will eatIls/elles manger ont
LE FUTUR simple 2. Verbs ending in IR Take the infinitive (the form of the verb you find in the dictionary) example: (to finish) = finir Add the following endings - same as for er verbs ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont. There are 6 different endings. It depends what the subject of the verb is
I will finish je finir ai You will finish Tu finir as He will finish Il finir a She will finish Elle finir a We will finish Nous finir ons You will finish Vous finir ez They will finish Ils/elles finir ont
e = vend 3. Verbs ending in RE Take the infinitive (the form of the verb you find in the dictionary) example: (to finish) = vendre get rid of e = vend Add the following endings ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont. There are 6 different endings. It depends what the subject of the verb is: ie
I will sell je vendr ai You will sell Tu vendr as He will sell Il vendr a She will sell Elle vendr a We will sell Nous vendr ons You will sell Vous vendr ez They will sell Ils/elles vendr ont
There are some verbs which do not follow this pattern; here are some of them: Etre (to be)je serai Avoir (to have)j’aurai Faire (to do/to make)Je ferai Aller (to go) J’irai Pouvoir (to be able to)Je pourrai
Now can you find the future of the following verbs Write them in the table in the next slide: JeTuIl/elleNousVousIls/elles Regarder (je), écouter (tu), chanter (il), danser (nous), choisir (vous), apprendre (elles), prendre (tu), ouvrir (tu), mentir (elles), sentir (vous), rigoler (nous), mettre (je), penser (il), croire, fermer (nous), étudier (elles), bavarder (je), ranger (tu), sortir (nous), aimer (vous), jouer (tu), répondre (il), rester (vous), rentrer (il), prêter (vous), acheter (je), perdre (tu), fumer (vous), boire (il), voler (nous). Check
JeTuIl/elleNousVousIls/elles Regarder (je), écouter (tu), chanter (il), danser (nous), choisir (vous), apprendre (elles), prendre (tu), ouvrir (tu), mentir (elles), sentir (vous), rigoler (nous), mettre (je), penser (il), croire (tu), fermer (nous), étudier (elles), bavarder (je), ranger (tu), sortir (nous), aimer (vous), jouer (tu), répondre (il), rester (vous), rentrer (il), prêter (vous), acheter (je), perdre (je), fumer (vous), boire (il), voler (nous).
Listen and write what you hear in the boxes below 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666
1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666
Jigword Matchword Wordweb Speedword Click to play the games
Click on the link to practise and do all the exercises Extension exercises. Module 3.
Now there is another way to speak in the future by using the “simple future”. Practise Go to the “Future tense” 13 – “Future tense phrases quiz”
Test yourself with Interlex First go on to the explanations in order to use it properly.
1.cet été 2.pendant les vacances 3.ce soir 4.en juillet 5.en août 6.dans quelques mois 7.dans une semaine semaine prochaine 9.le mois prochain 10.le week-end prochain You will probably want to make your sentences more interesting by saying exactly when you plan to do something, so you may find the following time expressions useful. Can you find the English for each one on the right? A)this evening B)next week C)this summer D)in a week E)next weekend F)during the holidays G)in a few months H)next month I)in August J)in July C F A J I G D B H E Match the English and the French CONTINUE
1.cet été 2.pendant les vacances 3.ce soir 4.en juillet 5.en août 6.dans quelques mois 7.dans une semaine semaine prochaine 9.le mois prochain 10.le week-end prochain You will probably want to make your sentences more interesting by saying exactly when you plan to do something, so you may find the following time expressions useful. Can you find the English for each one on the right? A)this evening B)next week C)this summer D)in a week E)next weekend F)during the holidays G)in a few months H)next month I)in August J)in July C F A J I G D B H E Match the English and the French CONTINUE
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