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Common Letter Patterns Soft and Hard Letters c and g spellings.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Letter Patterns Soft and Hard Letters c and g spellings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Letter Patterns Soft and Hard Letters c and g spellings

2 Guess the spelling rule! The letters c and g have different sounds in different words. Copy the table down: HardSoft c Cry, camel, action, music, computer, custard Face, city, cylinder, cell, sauce, cigar g Graffiti, gun, argue, bag, glory, goal Gym, genius, damage, surgeon, gentle, giraffe a) What do the words in the hard column have in common? b) What do the words in the soft column have n common?

3 Soft and Hard c or g Rules Copy this into your jotter: The letters c or g usually have a soft sound when followed by e, i or y. The letters c or g usually have a hard sound when followed by a, o, u or a consonant. However, there are a few common words where g followed by i or has a hard sound! These are: get, geese, gear, tiger gift, girl, give, begin.

4 Extension Work Do the following exercises in your jotter: Confusion between soft c and s Put the correct letter in the space: 1) ra_e 2) Pla_e 3) Mi_take 4) Wor_e 5) _entimental 6) _ituation

5 Confusion between -iss and –ice Bliss, hiss, hospice, justice, poultice, Swiss 1) Words which have –iss have _______syllables. 2) Words which have –ice have _______syllables. Confusion between iss/ice/ace endings Put the correct endings on these words: Furn___terr___Surf___ Neckl___pal___

6 Confusion between -cy and -sy endings Some words with a soft c sound at the end can be confused with –sy. Write down the correct spellings: 1)Truan__2) Embas__3) Boun__ 4) Fus__5) luna__6) fan__ Confusion between soft g and j in a word Copy this into your jotter: If the vowel a, o or u follows it, use a j. If the vowel e, i or y follows it, use a g. E.g. jacket, jolly, just, tragic, gymanst

7 Confusion between –ge and –dge endings No words, in English, end with a j. If there is the soft g sound at the end of the word it is made with a –ge or a –dge. Copy this: If there is a consonant before the soft g sound end the word with –ge. Example: large, range When there is a short vowel before the soft g sound, and the word is one syllable long, end the word with –dge. Example: badge, edge, bridge Any other time, the word ends with –ge. Example: page, message, garage, college, etc.

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