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ProCal Calibration Software

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Presentation on theme: "ProCal Calibration Software"— Presentation transcript:

1 ProCal Calibration Software
Setting Up Your Software Using ProSet

2 ProSet :: System Settings
Set file locations to allow networking Preset certificate and system ID numbers Select type of GPIB interface card Set language

3 ProSet :: Data Paths Paths for the following data can be set :
Certificates (& shared data) Procedures Digital Photo’s Stock Data These paths can be set to the local hard drive or, to create a networked system, ‘point’ to another computer or server to centralise data. Use the ‘…’ buttons to select a location by browsing the local drive / network.

4 ProSet :: Autonumbers Individual number counters are available
for the following : Standard Certificates Accredited Certificates Certificates of Conformance Electrical Safety Certificates Test Reports System ID Number These numbers can be a combination of letters and numbers. The ‘core’ number will be incremented each time the type of number is used. Note : The type number used is dependant on the procedure certificate type selected.

5 ProSet :: GPIB Setup To enable GPIB operation, a type of GPIB
card should be selected : Brain Boxes National Instruments* National Instruments GPIB devices are recommended (supports PCI • PC Cards & USB variants) Selection of a GPIB card automatically enables GPIB initialisation for any device set up using ProSet.

6 ProSet :: Languages The available languages are displayed in a
drop down list. Simply select the required language and then close ProSet to set this as the current language.

7 ProSet :: Instrument Traceability
Set the main system instruments Multi Product Calibrator DMM Oscilloscope Calibrator Electrical Test Equipment Calibrator Enter and maintain all other Equipment in the traceable list Create / Edit uncertainty tables for traceable instruments

8 ProSet :: System Instruments Overview
Instruments 1 to 10 are reserved for specific types of instrument : 1 : System Multimeter 2 : System DMM 3 : System Oscilloscope Calibrator 4 : System Electrical Test Equipment Calibrator 5 : System R/C/L Bridge 6 : Pressure Calibrator 7-10 : Reserved for Future Use Instrument lines 11+ are available for general use. Additional lines can be added to the list using the ADD button in the toolbar or by selecting Edit -> Add Instrument.

9 ProSet :: System Instruments DMM / Multi-Product Calibrator
Line 1 is reserved for a system DMM / Multi-Product Calibrator. Full traceable details are entered here which are used for : Printing on certificates Ensuring instrument is within its calibration period A complete uncertainties table can also be set up to allow automatic calculation of uncertainties* *Tables for all Transmille products are installed as standard

10 ProSet :: System Instruments Multimeter
Line 2 is reserved for a system Multimeter. Full traceable details are entered here which are used for : Printing on certificates Ensuring instrument is within its calibration period A complete uncertainties table can also be set up to allow automatic calculation of uncertainties

11 ProSet :: System Instruments Oscilloscope Calibrator
Line 3 is reserved for a system oscilloscope calibrator / module For the 2000 Series, the scope option can be selected here. Full traceable details are entered here which are used for : Printing on certificates Ensuring instrument is within its calibration period A complete uncertainties table can also be set up to allow automatic calculation of uncertainties

12 ProSet :: System Instruments Electrical Test Equipment Calibrator
Line 4 is reserved for a system electrical test equipment calibrator Full traceable details are entered here which are used for : Printing on certificates Ensuring instrument is within its calibration period A complete uncertainties table can also be set up to allow automatic calculation of uncertainties* *Tables for all Transmille products are installed as standard

13 ProSet :: Additional Instruments User Defined Instrumentation & Standards
Lines 11 and above can be used to enter any other item of equipment, including standards, dimensional equipment, pressure equipment or any other item of laboratory or workshop equipment which may be used for test or calibration purposes. Traceability details are entered here which are used for : Printing on certificates Ensuring instrument is within its calibration period A complete uncertainties table can also be set up to allow automatic calculation of uncertainties

14 ProSet :: Instrument Traceability Local / Server Settings
Local setting stores instrument information on the local workstation – each workstation can then store different traceable instrument lists. This allows different workstations to use different items of equipment. Server setting stores instrument on central server, so workstations share the same traceable instrument information. This allows new traceable data. eg. a change in value for a resistor to be updated on the server, and then all workstations will automatically use this new value.

15 ProSet :: Uncertainty Tables
Each traceable instrument can have an uncertainty table set up, which can be used By ProCal to automatically calculate uncertainties to 95% M3003 standards. Uncertainties are entered as per the ranges for an instrument, or individually for standards. The uncertainty tables for the Transmille range instruments are pre-installed with ProCal allowing the auto uncertainties function to be used ‘out of the box’.

16 ProSet :: Uncertainty Tables (Cont’d)
The uncertainties table is made up of lines of information including : Imported Uncertainty (the uncertainty from the calibration certificate for this reference standard) Stability of Reference (the accuracy of the reference standard as per the manufacturers specifications) These figures are included into the final calculation when this reference standard is in use for a calculation

17 ProSet :: Certificate Settings
To customise the certificate, settings can be changed to include the following information : Laboratory Name, Address and accreditation number Signatory Names Default Environmental Uncertainties

18 ProSet :: Uncertainty Templates
The new uncertainties system allows specific templates to be set up for any parameter, using a ‘spreadsheet style’ view. For each parameter, up to 15 sources of Uncertainty can be added in addition to the four main contributions : Imported Uncertainty Stability of Reference Resolution Noise / Flicker Contribution settings include : Probability Distribution Divisor Ci Value

19 ProSet :: Program Options
ProCal can be customised to suit user requirements, and make using ProCal as easy as possible. Customisable options include : Startup screen Certificate printing Test failed options Default results type Crystal Reports activation & defaults Language

20 ProSet :: User Access Permissions
Users can be added to the system to allow users to login. When calibrating, the username is used automatically. Passwords are optional – if a password is not selected the login system will simply ask for a username to be selected. Users can be set to one of 3 access levels : Operator Engineer Administrator* At least one user should be set as Administrator

21 ProSet :: Check Traceable Instruments
This useful function allows ProSet to run a check on the traceable instrument list. If any problems are found, these Instruments will be displayed In a list indicating either information is Incomplete or the Instrument is nearing Its recalibration date. This function is also run automatically by ProCal on startup.

22 ProSet :: Setup Label Printer
ProSet supports the use of dedicated label printers. The label printer settings can be configured to include the company logo and footer Information, as well as the company logo* Note : For the DYMO label printer the label setup is performed using the DYMO software supplied with the printer.

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