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Organised crime 2 September 2014 The impact of public sector cuts on women Linda Hughes, unionlearn with the Northern TUC.

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Presentation on theme: "Organised crime 2 September 2014 The impact of public sector cuts on women Linda Hughes, unionlearn with the Northern TUC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organised crime 2 September 2014 The impact of public sector cuts on women Linda Hughes, unionlearn with the Northern TUC

2 Public sector as an employer Both men & women in the public sector are more than 6% worse off in real terms in 2012 than in 2010. Around 66%of employees in the sector are women, compared to 41% in private sector. The OBR estimate 710,000 jobs will be lost in the public sector between 2011-2017.

3 Equal Pay Gender Pay Gap is likely to increase.

4 Cuts to childcare Cuts to childcare tax credit Cuts and closures of day nurseries and childcare After school and breakfast clubs rising costs or closures

5 Cuts to services Voluntary organisations Community organisations Adult and Community Learning

6 Tackling inequality through policy Most people living in poverty in the North East are working parents, not people on benefits. Minimum wage Campaigns such as The Living Wage; against Regional Pay

7 Equality Act 2010 – Section 149 Public authorities are required to pay “due regard” to the need to eliminate discrimination and advance equality of opportunity between women and men.

8 Further reading from the TUC - Representing and Supporting Members with Mental Health Problems - Sickness Absence and Disability Discrimination - Disability at Work: a trade union guide to the law and good practice - Domestic Violence: a guide for workplaces. - Tackling Racism in the Workplace - negotiators' guide - LGBT Equality in the Workplace: A TUC guide for union negotiators on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues - TUC Guide to Equality Law - TUC Women and the Cuts Toolkit - TUC-CIPD Guide to Managing Age Diversity in the Workplace - TUC Equality Duty Toolkit.

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