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Feedback on Abstract. Abstract – your write-up Quite a few had all of the sections Nearly always kept brief Participants covered quite well.

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Presentation on theme: "Feedback on Abstract. Abstract – your write-up Quite a few had all of the sections Nearly always kept brief Participants covered quite well."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feedback on Abstract

2 Abstract – your write-up Quite a few had all of the sections Nearly always kept brief Participants covered quite well

3 Abstract – your write-up Language and style - not too bad, remember be concise, scientific! Most had the correct order starting with design and ending with discussion. Although a few seemed to muddle it up starting with discussion before they had even discussed results or design.

4 Abstract – your write-up Title - need to get in the main manipulation and keep it generic. i.e. determining threshold xx Hypothesis and results –how specific/generic should it be made? Method section weak e.g. too much detail (on threshold, timing, randomisation of participant/experimenter,

5 Abstract – your write-up Lots of people have explicitly mention the IV and DV when this is not needed. Rather they should have incorporated them into a sentence. Some confusion over tense, start with present... ‘ the aim of this study is to..... and the hypothesis is....’ and then jumps to past.

6 Abstract – your write-up Require more precision in words, sometimes not sentences Avoid personal pronouns (when we read – can be rephrased) Discussion often weak or non existent or you got the theory wrong

7 Feedback Appendix 1 Different parts of the appendix should be clearly labelled. figure usually fine, but the axes should be labelled.

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