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This lesson we will be reflecting on your learning about... Recruitment How to sell yourself...

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Presentation on theme: "This lesson we will be reflecting on your learning about... Recruitment How to sell yourself..."— Presentation transcript:

1 This lesson we will be reflecting on your learning about... Recruitment How to sell yourself...

2 NO IDEA I NEED HELP NEVER HEARD OF IT OK I CAN DO THIS WITH SUPPORT SOME GUIDANCE NEEDED NEARLY AT MY TARGET GOT IT! VERY CONFIDENT WILL HIT MY TARGET GRADE EXCEED TARGET Success Criteria < C To describe skills and attributes C > Explain your experiences with examples B > Include a detailed range of examples which sell your abilities to an employer A >QOWC and SPAG LEARNING OBJECTIVES To appreciate that employing staff is governed by laws relating to race, sex, age and disability Revisit the recruitment process

3 What do we ask to find the best employees? Think of ten appropriate questions for a waitress / waiter position See ‘Recruiting Staff’ at 19/business/hrm/lesson/ 19/business/hrm/lesson/recruit1.htm

4 What tips would you give them?

5 What might you include in your application form or CV?

6 TASK Create your own Curriculum Vitae (CV) S:\Hunter, Mrs\Year 9 GCSE (EdExcel)\1.4 Making start-up effective CV Templates CV Examples

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