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This lesson we will be reflecting on your learning about... Job Adverts What information goes into an advert?

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Presentation on theme: "This lesson we will be reflecting on your learning about... Job Adverts What information goes into an advert?"— Presentation transcript:

1 This lesson we will be reflecting on your learning about... Job Adverts What information goes into an advert?

2 NO IDEA I NEED HELP NEVER HEARD OF IT OK I CAN DO THIS WITH SUPPORT SOME GUIDANCE NEEDED NEARLY AT MY TARGET GOT IT! VERY CONFIDENT WILL HIT MY TARGET GRADE EXCEED TARGET Success Criteria < C To describe what makes a good advert and interview Explain why using examples C > To explain the advantages and disadvantages of a job adverts and interviews B > To analyse a job advert and make recommendations to improving an advert A >QOWC and SPAG LEARNING OBJECTIVES Investigate what makes a good job advert and interview

3 Job Adverts What information goes onto a Job Advert?

4 In your books Where would you find a job advert?

5 Job Adverts Job title Hours of work How to apply Brief duties Place of work

6 Job Adverts Which one is better?

7 Role Play Job Interview (need 2 volunteers) What is wrong with the role play? What laws are we breaking? Recommendations

8 Job Interview POOR job - what's wrong with it? IAh4 IAh4

9 Questions (in books) 1.What makes a good job advert? 2.What information should be included in an advert? 3.What makes a good job interview? 4.What advice would you give to a nervous friend who is applying for a job at a local takeaway?

10 Hanson school need a new Business Studies Teacher to cover maternity leave starting Easter TASK: Design a simple advert in your books that will go out to the local press. Think about the information it would need to include.

11 Homework (due Wednesday) Research the following; Age discrimination act Equal opportunities You will need this information for Wednesday’s lesson.

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