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This lesson we will learning about... Communicating With Customers And different Media Types

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Presentation on theme: "This lesson we will learning about... Communicating With Customers And different Media Types"— Presentation transcript:

1 This lesson we will learning about... Communicating With Customers And different Media Types

2 NO IDEA I NEED HELP NEVER HEARD OF IT OK I CAN DO THIS WITH SUPPORT SOME GUIDANCE NEEDED NEARLY AT MY TARGET GOT IT! VERY CONFIDENT WILL HIT MY TARGET GRADE EXCEED TARGET Success Criteria < C (All) Describe ways to communicate with customers C > Most) Analyse ways to communicate with customers applying the scenario B > (Some) Will have an in-depth appreciation of the target market. A >Recommendations LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explore methods of communicating with customers

3 AO1 - Explains the main objectives of the promotion campaign, the range of promotional activities available to the business and the characteristics of the targeted customers.



6 How will your message get across? e.g. Yes.. You a discount to encourage sales. Yes, you want to rewarded loyalty BUT HOW???

7 Offers back of cinema tickets

8 Reward Loyalty by SMART card

9 Coupon Cut Outs

10 Magazine adverts / offers

11 Adverts on envelopes

12 Offers - Inserts

13 CD’s Physical Free samples / gifts

14 Key Rings or Pens

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