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The Principles The Chappell Way

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1 The Principles The Chappell Way

2 Is cricket coaching heading in the right direction?
I personally believe it has lost it’s way! Greg Chappell Cricket needs a serious debate to determine whether these new methods are in fact more efficient and better than the methods of the past.

3 Society has changed But the critical factors of human development have not.

4 The emotional requirements for success also have not!
Progression is closely tied to enjoyment and fun

5 The neurologist Donald Calne puts it brilliantly:
Stimulation to create an emotional response must be the number ONE priority. The biomechanical expression will reflect the emotional development The neurologist Donald Calne puts it brilliantly: "The essential difference between emotion and reason is that emotion leads to action while reason leads to conclusions." More emotion equals more action. That's what the "motion" part of emotion is all about.

6 This pretty much sums up the ‘Chappellway' philosophy
to learning. If we can create the ideal environment to stimulate the emotions we will create action. If the action needs modifying then change the environment to alter the action until the correct response is stimulated. This makes for a fun environment for the coach as well as the student. Unfortunately the opposite is what I am seeing. Environments are being created that stimulate reason and the conclusions often interfere with efficient movement patterns. Greg on The Chappell Way website

7 The proponents of the new biomechanical methods
have distorted the meaning of biomechanics. Their meaning focusses on the mechanics whilst ignoring the critical aspect of bio meaning a living system that takes into account such critical components as: Emotions Personal circumstances Situational Timing Development Phase

8 For more than a century the unstructured creative
play environment was the centre piece of cricket development around the world. Plato “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than a year of conversation.”

9 This system worked because it included the critical mix of physical and mental development under simulated match conditions in real-time environments. This organised chaos which describes the creative play environment of this system efficiently created the foundation for young cricketers to learn to make decisions instinctively at the same time as developing their physical talent. It was an extremely competitive, user-friendly environment that naturally developed their coping mechanisms without destroying their confidence or curbing their flair. By the time these young cricketers reached the stage of playing more organised competitions their physical, mental and emotional development was well advanced allowing them to cope better with the stresses of success and failure in the more cut-throat environment.

10 Research by motor learning experts such as Professor Abernethy
at Queensland University in Australia has found that in all sports the first 100 hours of contact is most critical in the development process. If the emotional development is not addressed at this stage then the cost to the individual is that they may never fully express their potential.

11 The opportunity cost is that cricket will have a smaller talent pool
with which to work and, more importantly, a talent pool that is less well prepared to cope with the competitive pressures that they will encounter as they move through Cricket’s pathway. The elite programs will be more efficient if the junior cricketers are better developed but will also be more productive if the creative environment is continued. Cricket training should never be boring for the student or the coach.

12 What is the coaches role?
The coaches responsibility is to create a learning environment. The Latin word for educate is “Educare” meaning to draw out

13 When we feel emotionally connected we say,
And the feedback is: When we feel emotionally connected we say, “That Makes Sense”!

14 “I am only very very curious”
Einstein, one of the greatest minds of the last century, described himself as, “neither especially clever or especially gifted” Then he added, “I am only very very curious” So how do we ensure CURIOSITY? Free individuals from structured emotional constraints

15 “The Chappell Way” is CURIOUS!

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