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Starting the SACE What you need to know. Stage 1 and Stage 2 There are two ‘stages’ of the SACE: Stage 1 is generally completed in Year 11 Stage 2 is.

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Presentation on theme: "Starting the SACE What you need to know. Stage 1 and Stage 2 There are two ‘stages’ of the SACE: Stage 1 is generally completed in Year 11 Stage 2 is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting the SACE What you need to know

2 Stage 1 and Stage 2 There are two ‘stages’ of the SACE: Stage 1 is generally completed in Year 11 Stage 2 is generally completed in Year 12 This can vary between schools and students (e.g. BHS offer the Stage 1 Personal Learning Plan in Year 10 and Stage 2 Research Project in Year 11)

3 Flexible pathways The SACE is flexible, and caters for learning both in and outside school Students can combine study and part-time work, a traineeship or school-based apprenticeship Students can receive credit for SACE subjects, vocational education and training, community learning, and university studies

4 SACE requirements

5 Students need 200 credits to achieve the SACE Most 10-credit subjects are studied over one semester and most 20-credit subjects are studied over two semesters Students need to achieve a C grade or higher for Stage 1 requirements and a C- grade or higher for Stage 2 requirements to achieve the SACE

6 Stage 1

7 Subjects are graded from A to E All tasks are assessed by teachers at the school Assessment is externally checked (moderated) in Mathematics, English and the Personal Learning Plan

8 SACE requirements Literacy – from a range of English subjects or courses (20 credits) –completed in Yr11 Numeracy – from a range of mathematics subjects or courses (10 credits) –completed in Yr11 PLP (10 credits) –completed in Yr10 Students must achieve at least a C grade at Stage 1 (C- Research Project)

9 Year 11 at Blackwood High School Blackwood High School Students will generally complete 14 x 10 credit Stage 1 Subjects or equivalent recognized learning during Year 11 Included in these subjects are the compulsory English and Maths requirements Plus Stage 2 Research Project in Semester 2

10 The Research Project All SACE students study the Research Project A chance to do in-depth research and study a topic that interests the student Develop skills in planning, research, analysis and communication Tertiary-style study; skills valued by employers and invaluable in completing investigation tasks in all Year 12 subjects

11 Stage 2 To achieve Stage 2, students need to complete at C- or better 60 credits Stage 2 subjects and/or VET Research Project (completed in Yr 11 at BHS)

12 Year 12 at Blackwood High School Blackwood High School Students will generally complete 4 x 20 credit subjects during Year 12 or equivalent recognized learning

13 SACE Credits

14 Individual circumstances

15 Students with a disability The SACE Board offers modified subjects at Stage 1 and Stage 2 for students with identified intellectual disabilities A student studying a modified subject will gain credits towards the SACE but not a grade for the subject; instead successful achievement is recorded as ‘Completed’ Any modified subjects a student has studied will be listed on their SACE certificate

16 Special Provisions Special provisions are available if a student has an illness, disability or unforeseen circumstance which significantly impacts their ability to participate in an assessment If a student applies for special provisions they need to provide evidence of how this impacts their ability to access assessment conditions More information is on the SACE website under Students and Families > Special Provisions

17 Further study

18 The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) A measure of a student’s overall achievement in the SACE compared with other students Used by universities in the selection of school leavers for a place in university courses Ranges from 0 to 99.95 An ATAR is calculated from the aggregate of SACE subject results

19 ATAR Eligibility Qualify for the SACE Comply with the rules regarding precluded combinations Comply with the rules regarding counting restrictions Complete at least 90 credits of study in Tertiary Admissions Subjects (TAS) and Recognised Subjects at Stage 2 in a maximum of 3 attempts Of the 90 credits of study a minimum of 60 credits of study must be from 20 credit Tertiary Admissions Subjects(TAS) and a maximum of 20 credits can be Recognised Studies

20 TAFE Selection Score A TAFE selection score can be used for entrance to higher courses offered through TafeSA The TAFE selection score is calculated directly form the best 60 credits of Stage 2 study.

21 Further information

22 Visit the SACE website – particularly the Students and Families and Subjects sections: Read a copy of the Achieve handbook, Stage 1 or Stage 2 edition Talk to the teachers at your school

23 Other subjects and courses

24 Recognised learning The SACE recognises learning both in and outside school, for example: Vocational Education and Training courses (VET) University and TAFE courses Community learning (such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award or volunteer work)

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