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Trish Chandler MIPS & Transitions Coordinator Frances Fenech Careers VET Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Trish Chandler MIPS & Transitions Coordinator Frances Fenech Careers VET Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trish Chandler MIPS & Transitions Coordinator Frances Fenech Careers VET Manager

2  MIPs == Managed Individual Pathways  It is only run in Victoria  MIPs = Help you to make a successful supported plan into your future work or further schooling Here @ Lyndhurst we encourage students to start career planning from year 7

3  MIPs aims to help you to:  make a smooth transition through school to employment, TAFE, Uni, or other community education providers  develop skills to manage your pathway  develop your knowledge, understanding and experience of opportunities in education, training and employment.

4  Additional support is provided to students at risk of disengaging or not making a successful transition to further education, training or secure employment. In the Careers room we have heaps of resources, books, DVD’s to assist you in making choices. POSIBLE EXIT- If you are thinking of leaving school we help with: resumes, pre planning, enrolments elsewhere, practice interviews, help with parents through interviews referrals

5  Each student fills in a registration form. (Eportfolio)  It lets us know your subjects and your contact details  Indicates when you think you might leave school  Can help link part time work with careers  Career interest areas  Your personal qualities  How can we help you?

6 Individual pathway plans include points like :  Your registration with MIPs  Short and long term goals  A resume  Safe @ Work documents  Evaluations – Surveys like Career Voyage  Practice Interview outcomes  A list of education, training and employment providers researched  Workshops attended and referral letters/ notes NOW- Is the START of the REST of your LIFE

7  A fantastic introduction to the world of work  Start contacting employers now  Legal requirements – the forms and signatures  Safe at Work OH&S testing first  2013 Dates: Start on Monday June Finish on Friday June

8  Very valuable real-life experience  Chance to develop or update resume  Writing a letter of application  Presenting for an interview  Interview Day –

9 Jessica Bertram Simon Ruei Caitlyn sherlock Tim Obrien Kiara Brown Faavae Sagafia Angela Tuffnell

10 E PortFolio Close here. And click on EportFolio  E port folio  Click on the next section which is E portfolio  There you will find another program which will cover over three years your career goals, testing and resume.  1. Click on theme and colour  2. enter the data.

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