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Sam Burrell CEO Australian Computer Society ACS - University Compact Working Together 1.

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1 Sam Burrell CEO Australian Computer Society ACS - University Compact Working Together 1

2 Update  University compact  CBOK and Accreditation Guidelines  Seoul Accord  IP3 2

3 ACS Foundation Employers Universities Compact PPP Donations, Grants, etc Scholarships Course Advisory Panels, Donations, Visiting Lecturers etc IT Profession – the stakeholders 3

4 Why a compact?  The profession needs a steady flow of well qualified entrants to grow – universities will continue to provide that inflow  Universities need a strong and well respected profession to attract the best students – the CP initiative is the ACS pathway to a stronger more respected profession  Our futures are interdependent  Increasing demands to recover costs of accreditation 4

5 What’s in it for the University?  Continued accreditation of programs for marketing purposes – in future to be linked to ACS career portal  Joint marketing to increase interest of high quality school leavers to a strong respected profession  Access to ACS Foundation  Discounted membership fees for level A B and C staff to reflect lower earning capability  Funding of academic conferences – ACSW, ASWEC and ASIS  Strong representation to ACS bodies  Access to ACS members for projects, visiting lectures etc  Any others? 5

6 What’s in it for ACS?  Partial recovery of accreditation costs  Active support from school leaders for staff to join ACS  Increased participation in ACS professional activities by younger ICT educators – leading the generational change required  Educators as professional role models – professional education starting within the university  Access to School staff for YIT ambassadors in establishing student chapters, increasing student membership 6

7 Parties to the compact  The School or Faculty (including a nominee to work with ACS)  ACS Branch (BDM)  YIT (Ambassador)  ACS Professional Standards Board and Academic Boards (CS, CS&SE, IS, Communications) 7

8 Next steps…..  Suggest a small working group from Deans group to finalise the document with ACS  Finalise the compact and endorsement by both ACS and Deans group 8

9 Accreditation  Revised Core Body of Knowledge has been endorsed by ACPHIS, CORE, the ACS External Industry Advisory Board and the Professional Standards Board.  Principles of the new accreditation process and criteria have been agreed by Professional Standards Board – document is in final draft format. To be trialled at one university before publication  Deans Group endorsement is sought for the process and criteria – suggest a small working party 9

10 Seoul Accord  Multi-lateral agreement amongst IT and IT- related accreditation bodies  Committed to development and recognition in good practice in IT and IT-related education  Six initial signatories – Australia, Britain, Canada, Japan, Korea and US (Dec 2008)  Hong Kong and Taiwan added (Jun 2009) 10

11 IP3  IFIP sponsored body to further IT and IT-related professionalism  Accredits professional status offered by professional associations  ACS CP program accredited in July 2008.  CIPS ITCP program provisionally accredited in October 2008  ISPJ (Japan), CSSA (South Africa) and NZCS are currently preparing applications for accreditation 11

12 END  Thank you – any questions? 12

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