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Facilitating research professors to be T&L leaders ALTC Leadership Grant 2009 -2011 Changing the Culture of Teaching & Learning in ICT and Engineering:

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitating research professors to be T&L leaders ALTC Leadership Grant 2009 -2011 Changing the Culture of Teaching & Learning in ICT and Engineering:"— Presentation transcript:

1 facilitating research professors to be T&L leaders ALTC Leadership Grant 2009 -2011 Changing the Culture of Teaching & Learning in ICT and Engineering: facilitating research professors to be T&L leaders Sylvia L. Edwards & Peter O’Shea QUT Judithe Sheard & John Hurst Monash Wayne Brookes & Tim Aubrey UTS Sylvia Edwards –ACDICT Leadership Forum July 2010

2 Overview Introduction to project Survey feedback Identified sub-themes from workshop What is planned next Sylvia Edwards - ACDICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010

3 Purpose of the project build teaching leadership in the disciplines of Engineering and ICT enhance L&T through leadership capacity-building at the institutional level seeks to raise the profile & encourage recognition of fundamental importance of T&L in professoriate Rationale: the development of T&L leadership “from scratch” is problematical social science research indicates that it is more promising to transfer skills which already exist in a different context (Boden, 2006; Perkins & Salomon, 1992). Sylvia Edwards - ACDICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010


5 Expected Outcomes Implementation of a model where the research professoriate facilitate development of the T&L culture Increase in awareness of, and interest in, T&L issues among research professors Determination of whether research leadership skills can be rapidly transferred to the context of T&L using learning transference Set of guidelines on transferring the project findings to other disciplines/Universities Sylvia Edwards - ACDICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010

6 1 st Workshops 2 @ QUT, 1 each at UTS & Monash Worked with the professoriate at each institution Examined leadership in research and L&T, and explored ways to apply research leadership to the L&T domain Professorial academics of Engineering, ICT & Science were invited to offer information on their Research and T&L views and their academic behaviours in a survey Same survey was modified to seek the opinions of the junior academic staff in each institution Sylvia Edwards - ACDICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010

7 Initial survey data on leadership 72 members of professoriate responded QUT – 43 UTS – 14 Monash – 15 Survey looked at 3 concepts on 16 items Job satisfaction Role model Professional Importance Paper submission in progress Sylvia Edwards - ACDICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010

8 Questions To what extent do you gain personal job satisfaction from each of the following? To what extent do you try to be a role model for each of the following? How important are the following for advancement in the academic profession? Sylvia Edwards - ACDICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010

9 Overall Rankings [likert scale 1-5] t-tests for difference between mean response Outcomes: highly significant differences between research and L&T at 0.01 level

10 Research ranking views Common highest items for research by professoriate for all three questions Publishing refereed Research papers Others within the top three rank positions Keeping your Research at the cutting edge (Job Satisfaction & Role Model) Successfully implementing new Research projects (Job Satisfaction) Mentoring future Research leaders (Role Model) Developing a high Research profile (Professional Importance) Securing funding for Research (Professional Importance) Common lowest items for research by professoriate for all three questions Reviewing Research papers/reports/activities Undertaking Research training Sylvia Edwards - ACDICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010

11 L&T ranking views Common highest items for L&T by professoriate for all three questions Improving student satisfaction ratings for your Teaching Others within the top three rank positions Keeping your Teaching resources up to date and effective (Job Satisfaction & Role Model) Successfully implementing new Learning &Teaching initiatives (Job Satisfaction & Role Model) Developing a high Learning & Teaching profile (Professional Importance) Winning Learning & Teaching awards (Professional Importance) Common lowest items for L&T by professoriate for all three questions Participating in Higher Education L&T conferences Reviewing Learning & Teaching papers/reports/activities Sylvia Edwards - ACDICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010

12 L&T R Job Satisfaction

13 Role Model Sylvia Edwards - ICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010 L&T R

14 Research Teaching & Learning

15 L&T R Professional Importance

16 Rank Position weighting Goal: To compare item importance between Research and L&T Method: Rank items in research order of importance Match L&T items to the research ranked order Calculate differences in position weighting Colour code those with differences > 5 Sylvia Edwards - ACDICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010

17 Rank of items 1-16 Sylvia Edwards - ICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010 JOB SATISFACTION (Topics, ordered by ranking from research perspective) RESEARCH Ranking L&T Ranking RANK DIFFERENCE Publishing refereed papers110-9 Cutting edge and up to date220 Implementing new initiatives330 Advancing knowledge and skills440 Participating in conferences515-10 Mentoring future leaders67 Fostering teams within own uni78 Developing high profile853 Fostering networks beyond own uni912-3 Strategic planning of activities1064 Reading literature in your field1113-2 Improving student satisfaction ratings12111 Securing funding for activities13121 Winning awards1495 Undertaking training15141 Reviewing papers/reports/activities16 0 Note: most items are similarly positioned between R and L&T (4 items with no difference in their position, and 4 items with a difference of 1)

18 Rank of items 1-16 ROLE MODEL (Topics, ordered by ranking from research perspective) RESEARCH Rank L&T Tank RANK DIFFERENCE Cutting edge and up to date12 Publishing refereed papers212-10 Mentoring future leaders34 Implementing new initiatives431 Advancing knowledge and skills550 Fostering teams within own uni69-3 Fostering networks beyond own uni78 Improving student satisfaction ratings817 Developing high profile972 Securing funding for activities1011 Strategic planning of activities1165 Participating in conferences1216-4 Reading literature in your field1314 Reviewing papers/reports/activities1415 Undertaking training15132 Winning awards16106 Note: most items are similarly positioned between R and L&T ( 1 item has no difference, and 7 items having a difference of 1 position)

19 Rank of items 1-16 PROFESSIONAL IMPORTANCE (Topics, ordered by ranking from research perspective)RESEARCH Rank L&T Rank RANK DIFFERENCE Publishing refereed papers19-8 Developing high profile220 Securing funding for activities35-2 Cutting edge and up to date46-2 Implementing new initiatives541 Fostering networks beyond own uni612-6 Winning awards734 Reading literature in your field815-7 Fostering teams within own uni910 Strategic planning of activities1082 Advancing knowledge and skills1174 Participating in conferences1214-2 Mentoring future leaders13112 Improving student satisfaction ratings14113 Reviewing papers/reports/activities1516 Undertaking training16133 Note: rank order demonstrates greater difference between R and L&T ( 1 item - no difference, 3 - 1 rank difference, 5 items - 2 rank difference with remaining 7 far more difference)

20 FYI Qualitative data Two questions were also asked on leadership: What are the important attributes of a Research Leader? And the challenges? What are the important attributes of a Learning and Teaching Leader? And the challenges? Sylvia Edwards - ACDICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010

21 What is planed next? Currently running 2 nd themed workshops Discussing the data from the survey Offer opportunity to consider ways to improve teaching survey scores, and a run through of the PREQ vs CEQ Discuss leadership attributes in research vs T&L Consider how to pipeline research through honours and projects Annual Report due later this month 3 rd Workshop in latter half of 2010 Presentations at national conferences in 2011 Project ends Aug 2011 Sylvia L. Edwards – ACDICT Leadership Forum, July 2010

22 Any questions? And thanks for the opportunity Sylvia Edwards - ACDICT Deans Leadership Forum July 2010

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