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Fun Lunchtime Activities Run by the TPS Sports Captains.

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Presentation on theme: "Fun Lunchtime Activities Run by the TPS Sports Captains."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fun Lunchtime Activities Run by the TPS Sports Captains

2 The sports captains have played a big role in the planning and organising of this successful program! They meet to discuss what is working and what activities could be improved in order to maintain interest from other students.


4 Dancing! Our year 6 boys enjoy dance day too! On these days students enjoy structured and “freestyle” dancing to show off their skills.

5 Freestyle dancing

6 Musical chairs Everybody loves musical chairs !

7 Wow!

8 Dance day is very popular with both infants and primary. Relays to music are fun too!

9 Dodge ball Dodge ball is another popular activity. We have so many students wanting to play that we run separate infants and primary games.

10 My throw! Primary students help the younger students!

11 I am going to get you!

12 Elastics!

13 Students are learning how to play elastics ! We are also just starting on another old favourite called “Fly”.

14 Lots of smiles during our lunchtime program

15 Games in the garden area.

16 Determined! Students love these fun relays! Dress-ups is a favourite!

17 As a result of the program many teachers have commented that the playground is a happier place and more students are involved in games that keep them active.

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