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Newstep Program English Language and Foundation Studies Centre.

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1 Newstep Program English Language and Foundation Studies Centre

2 Newstep Program | 2 Newstep - A Tertiary Entrance Program It is specifically designed to encourage young people aged 17 to 20 years to take a second chance at further study. Newstep began in 1990 to assist the young people of the Hunter and Central Coast regions. The intake was 50 students. In 2009, 400 students enrolled at the Callaghan Campus and 200 at the Ourimbah Campus.

3 Newstep Program | 3 Newstep - A Tertiary Entrance Program Newstep is a one-year, full-time enabling program conducted by the English Language and Foundation Studies Centre. It provides an alternative entry to university for students who either: –Did not complete the Higher School Certificate OR –Failed to reach the entry scores for undergraduate study

4 Newstep Program | 4 Newstep - A Tertiary Entrance Program Once students complete Newstep they apply to the University Admission Centre UAC for a place in a Bachelor’s degree program. A result from Newstep is accepted for entry into the University of Newcastle and many other Australian universities.

5 Newstep Program | 5 Newstep - A Tertiary Entrance Program Completion of the Newstep program will allow entry to undergraduate programs with a cut-off of 93 or less, except for the Bachelor of Medicine.

6 Newstep Program | 6 What does Newstep offer? A supportive learning environment is a core feature of the program. The courses in the program aim to successfully prepare students for undergraduate degree programs, by developing skills in academic writing, library research, basic mathematics and computing. An important function of the program is to prepare students for study in a university environment.

7 Newstep Program | 7 What does Newstep offer? The University is a large institution and a year of study in Newstep provides an effective orientation to the administration procedures that can create uncertainties in many first year students. Students are introduced to the facilities and services, including the library, computer laboratories, counselling, disability support (if needed), careers and employment.

8 Newstep Program | 8 Who may apply? Students aged 17 – 20 years who: –Left school without completing the HSC who experienced adverse circumstances in their schooling, or who meet equity criteria. –Sat the HSC prior to the current year –Are sitting for the HSC this year

9 Newstep Program | 9 Course Offerings Wide range of courses: Academic Writing and Research Skills Mathematics (2 levels) Humanities: -Australian Culture & Society, Film Studies, History, Legal Studies, Linguistics Science: -Chemistry and Life Sciences, Earth Science, Australian Human and Environmental Systems, Physics Design / Visual Art Information Technology

10 Newstep Program | 10 Application based on Equity Criteria Applicants who have NOT completed the HSC and NOT gained a UAI will be required to document the factors that led to their discontinuation of senior schooling. Such applicants will be assessed on the basis of the following equity criteria: -Low income background or socio-economic disadvantage -Non-English speaking background -Arrival in Australia as a refugee -Schooling in a rural or isolated region -Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background -Attendance at a high school which is designated by the NSW Department of Education and Training as a priority funded school.

11 Newstep Program | 11 Application based on Special Circumstances HSC students who wish to be assessed on the basis of special circumstances can also provide this documentation: -interstate school transfer -disability or chronic illness -adverse circumstances, e.g. a family or personal crisis; or other prolonged disruption to schooling

12 Newstep Program | 12 How to Apply? Applications are available for download from the website Applications may be obtained from: -English Language and Foundation Studies Centre, Lower Ground floor, McMullin Building -Phone: 49 215558 Applicants will need to indicate whether they are applying under the equity or adverse circumstance criteria or on the basis of their HSC qualification.

13 Newstep Program | 13 How to Apply? Offers will be made to applicants who have completed the HSC but not met university entry requirements on the basis of UAI rank (from highest to lowest). Application closing dates: -Early closing date is 4 January -Final closing date is 31 January

14 Newstep Program | 14 General Information Students may be eligible to apply for youth allowance as Newstep is a full-time program. You will need to contact Centrelink. Students do not pay HECS for their Newstep year of study. There are no tuition fees. Students may be required to buy textbooks for some classes.

15 For more info: CONTACTS Beverley Wilson Newstep Program Co-ordinator – Callaghan Campus Phone: (02) 4921 7292 Email: Dr. David Powter Foundation Studies Programs Co-ordinator – Ourimbah Campus Phone: (02) 4348 4052 Email: Angela Henderson Marketing Officer – English Language and Foundation Studies Centre Phone: (02) 4921 7276 Email: CRICOS Provider 00109J |

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