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A Catchment Based Study On Streamflow Data Assimilation Christoph Rüdiger a, Jeffrey P. Walker a, Jetse D. Kalma b, Garry R. Willgoose c and Paul R. Houser.

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Presentation on theme: "A Catchment Based Study On Streamflow Data Assimilation Christoph Rüdiger a, Jeffrey P. Walker a, Jetse D. Kalma b, Garry R. Willgoose c and Paul R. Houser."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Catchment Based Study On Streamflow Data Assimilation Christoph Rüdiger a, Jeffrey P. Walker a, Jetse D. Kalma b, Garry R. Willgoose c and Paul R. Houser d a Dept. of Civil & Env. Eng., University of Melbourne, Australia b School of Engineering, University of Newcastle, Australia c School of Geography, University of Leeds, United Kingdom d Hydrological Sciences Branch, NASA GSFC, USA

2 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004 Koster et al., JHM, 2000

3 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004

4 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004 Goulburn Catchment Melbourne Newcastle Sydney 1000km0km

5 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004 Goulburn Catchment Streamgauge Soil Moisture Climate

6 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004 Catchment Land Surface Model Koster et al., JGR, 2000 Saturation Depth Water Table Eq. profile Moisture Deficit Prognostic variables: Catchment Deficit Surface Moisture Excess Root Zone Excess

7 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004 Internal routing Travel time T pi Velocity weight v -1

8 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004 “Truth”: –10yr spin up –1yr full run “Experiment 1”: –One month only –Degraded soil moisture values (low catchment deficit) “Experiment 2”: –“Openloop 1” and changed forcing (33% lower radiation and 20% higher precipitation) Synthetic Experiment Variational Data Assimilation NLFIT (Kuczera, WRR, 1982)

9 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004 Results “Experiment 1” DischargeSoil Moisture

10 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004 Results “Experiment 2” DischargeSoil Moisture

11 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004 Results “Experiment 2” Root Zone Soil MoistureSurface Soil Moisture

12 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004 Summary of Results Results show that runoff has information about soil moisture states Problems in semi-arid regions, when overestimation of water input due to degraded forcing data Monthly assimilation windows have positive impact, reduction of assimilation window should improve results further

13 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004 Including changed soil parameters to simulate the uncertainties involved in land surface modelling Assimilation of surface soil moisture data (as available) to further constrain surface soil moisture values Multi-catchment study for nested catchments Use of real data from intensive field experiment Future Tasks

14 Christoph Rüdiger AGU May 2004 Acknowledgments Australian Research Council (ARC-DP grant 0209724) Hydrological Sciences Branch, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), USA University of Melbourne –Melbourne International Fee Remission Scholarship (MIFRS) –Postgraduate Overseas Research Experience Scholarship (PORES)

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