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Why do we need Government?

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Presentation on theme: "Why do we need Government?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do we need Government?

2 What would our world be like without government?
Thomas Hobbes said life without government would be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Humans naturally compete for territory, resources and power. If this is true, and if there are no laws… what would result?

3 What would our world be like without government?
Thomas Hobbes said life without government would be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Humans naturally compete for territory, resources and power. If this is true, and if there are no laws… what would result?

4 What would our world be like without government?
Thomas Hobbes said life without government would be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Humans naturally compete for territory, resources and power. If this is true, and if there are no laws… what would result?

5 Government: the ruling authority of a community, an organization that has the power to make and enforce laws.

6 Functions of Government
Keep Order Pass and enforce laws, Establish courts

7 Functions of Government
Provide services Schools, libraries, hospitals, parks, water, fire/police departments

8 Functions of Government
Provide security Prevent crime, protect citizens from foreign attack

9 Functions of Government
Guide the community Manage the economy, foreign relations

10 Foundations of American Government:
John Locke – English philosopher, wrote Second Treatise of Government Main purpose of government is to protect people’s natural rights Natural Rights: right you have because you are human LIFE, LIBERTY, PROPERTY No Absolute Power for Kings

11 “the consent of the governed”
State of Nature – situation without laws and government Social Contract Theory = solution to a state of nature People agree to give up some freedom and create a government to rule in exchange for protection and security. In this agreement people consent to obey the laws created by the government. “the consent of the governed”

12 Foundations of American Government:
Republic – example Rome Republic –the people’s representatives administer the government, allowing it to be extended over a much larger area.

13 Foundations of American Government:
3. Democracy – example Greece Democracy – the authority of government rests with the people. US is a representative democracy – citizens choose a smaller group to represent them US is NOT a direct democracy – citizens vote on every issue (ex. New England town mtgs.)

14 Foundations of American Government:
Montesquieu – a French philosopher Powers of Gov’t should be separated Power should be balanced Each branch should check the others to ensure no one branch is too powerful

15 THE UNITED STATES HAS A Representative Democracy or a Democratic Republic form of government

16 US Levels of Government
Federal – United States State – North Carolina Local – Pineville

17 ** FEDERALISM – the principle of one central government and several state or local governments.

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