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Statewide System of Support March 22, 2011. Three Key Elements Drive DPI Support Model DPI provides support to all school districts and schools Provides.

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Presentation on theme: "Statewide System of Support March 22, 2011. Three Key Elements Drive DPI Support Model DPI provides support to all school districts and schools Provides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statewide System of Support March 22, 2011

2 Three Key Elements Drive DPI Support Model DPI provides support to all school districts and schools Provides more intensive support to low performing school districts and schools Support all schools DPI’s efforts focus on building capabilities at the district level so that school districts can better support their schools DPI intervenes directly in a smaller number of chronically underperforming schools Build capacity at school /district level DPI provides and/or facilitates customized support tailored to specific, identified school district and school needs Customize 2

3 Why were the Roundtables created? To increase student achievement and increase the graduation rate by providing: An internal communication network to prioritize and target DPI resources A network to roll out initiatives to help districts and schools strengthen instructional delivery A point of contact at regional level for LEA’s to share needs Customer focused service 3

4 What do the different Roundtables do? Strategic Review data Set priorities Agency Target services Roll out initiatives Regional Point of contact Delivery of service 4

5 Roundtables help us increase achievement and graduation rate by: Setting goalsMonitoring progress Seeking clear input of effectiveness from districts and schools regarding impact 1/7/2010District and School Transformation5

6 Roundtable Membership Senior leadership Strategic Directors Team Leads Agency Regional Lead Regional representatives from departments of DPI Regional 1/7/2010District and School Transformation6

7 Statewide System of Support Facilitated by District and School Transformation 7 Strategic Roundtable Agency Roundtable Eight Regional Roundtables All N.C. Schools Receive Support Through Roundtable Structure Customized Support Models Based on Metrics of Equity, Growth, and Performance District Support Models District and School Transformation: Capacity and Achievement Consent Order: Judicial/Proficiency District Improvement: NCLB/Equity School Support Models Low Performing: ABCs/Below 50% and not meeting growth Corrective Action Level 3 or Higher: NCLB/Equity Turnaround: Executive & Judicial/Constitutional right to basic education – High Schools below 60% for two consecutive years and selected feeder middle schools below 60% District and School Transformation: All schools in the five partner LEAs Consent Order: All schools in Halifax

8 Targeted Support 2010-11 Low Performing Schools Turnaround HS and MS Elementary Schools Transformation Districts Halifax State SIG Schools Districts in Corrective Action Schools in Corrective Action Federal Any school with Performance Composite under 50% Any high school with a Graduation Rate under 60% Any district with an aggregate of student proficiency under 60% Race to the Top 8 Prepared by District and School Transformation

9 Current Support to Districts District and School Coaching and Professional Development NC Transformation Districts Summer Institutes Corrective Action Districts 9/2/2010District and School Transformation9

10 Current Support to Schools Provide Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) and/or Unpacking the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) Low-Performing Schools Professional Development Coaching for Successful Implementation NC Turnaround Support Through Regional Roundtables Spring and Fall Institutes Monitoring, Professional Development, and Targeted Coaching Schools in Improvement, Corrective Action, or Restructuring 9/2/2010District and School Transformation10

11 State Board of Education Regional Map 11

12  Analyzes impact of current initiatives underway in each district in the region  Analyzes trends and common needs across each region  Facilitates and coordinates technical assistance provided for the districts and schools identified as having the greatest need for support  Monitors progress to achieving priority objectives Regional Lead and Regional Roundtable 12

13 Regional Roundtable Membership and/or Support 13 Regional Roundtable District and School Transformation Educator Recruitment and Development Exceptional Children Program Monitoring Office of Early Learning Curriculum and Instruction Instructional Technology Career and Technical Education Regional Education Service Agency or Consortium Accountability

14 14 Agency: Determine key aspects of rollout Strategic: Sets priorities Region 8: Facilitates rollout Region 7: Facilitates rollout Region 6: Facilitates rollout Region 5: Facilitates rollout Region 4: Facilitates rollout Region 3: Facilitates rollout Region 2: Facilitates rollout Region 1: Facilitates rollout Strategic initiatives based on SBOE Goals or RttT priority LEA Needs Strategic rollout

15 15 NC’s Aligned Plan

16 NC Race to the Top Priorities Great Teachers and Leaders – Implementing the statewide teacher and principal evaluation systems – Providing programs to strengthen staffing in low-performing schools and schools with limited offerings – Expanding recruitment in specific areas of need – Identifying, developing, and supporting effective leaders 16

17 NC Race to the Top Priorities Standards and Assessments – Transitioning to new standards – Monitoring curriculum – Utilizing benchmark and diagnostic assessment systems Systems to Support Instruction – Increasing the use of data for decision making and continuous improvement process Turning around low-performing Schools – Building local capacity – Customizing approaches to local settings and needs 17

18 Newer ACRE work streams connecting directly with teachers, leaders, parents and students Ongoing central work to revise standards, assessment and accountability Newer work to deliver new standards, assessments and teaching tools Newer work to build LEA capacity to implement online tools StandardsAssessmentAccountability Formative Summative Benchmark Instructional Technology and Infrastructure Initiatives Creating tools and providing consulting-services that help enable a move to instructional and assessment models that take full advantage of online technologies and technologies yet to be developed. Included are the creation of the State School Technology Plan, One-to-One pilot support, and planning and consulting to help LEAs build infrastructure, allocate resources and plan logistics to move to online assessment. A revised model that includes measures of post-secondary readiness, robust, fair growth measures, revised reporting functions and motivates behavior that improves student outcomes. Diverse communication strategies that memorably inform all stakeholders (esp. students, parents, teachers, principals) and build understanding and investment in ACRE. Communication strategies include website, webinar series, listserves, internal newsletter and LEA concierge service. Tools and training, blending online and face-to-face learning experiences to help educators increase effectiveness and transition to new standards and assessments. Included are the creation of instructional toolkits, NC Falcon formative assessment training modules, new standards roll-out, using data to make decisions and Response to Instruction. Learner Management System (LMS) Single, user-friendly online platform to house and deliver new tools, particularly the delivery of formative and summative assessments, provision of data analysis tools, delivery of professional development and instructional resources to teachers and establishment of online learning communities. Professional Development College and career-ready standards. A new set of academic standards benchmarked against the best national and international expectations. The goal is to set fewer, clearer and higher standards that, when achieved, ensure a student is ready for post-secondary education and work. Standards include Common Core in ELA and Math and NC Essential Standards in all other subjects. Curricular support resources will be developed to support the transition. A comprehensive assessment system with a focus on using assessments to improve instruction and assess learning and instructional effectiveness. Plan includes updated EOG and EOCs, a tool to build common benchmark assessments and a variety of formative assessment tools including progress monitoring tools, writing assessments, in-class formative assessment training, portfolio assessments and data tools to improve instruction. PROGRAM MAP 2010-11 Communications & Change Management 18

19 Building District Capacity through Aligned Professional Learning and Support Instructional Leadership: 1.Teacher Standards 2.Principal Standards 3.Central Office Standards 4.Designing SIPs 5.Instructional Coaching 6.Teacher Leadership Strategic Leadership: 1.Technology Infrastructure 2.Systemic Data monitoring and accountability 3.Pre K-12-Literacy 4.Common Core/NCSCOS The result: ACRE, RttT, Common Core, NC Evaluation System and SBE Goals Will Be Aligned!

20 Upcoming Spring 2011 Regional Institutes Region 1 – April 4, 2011 – NC TeleCenter in Williamston, NC Region 2 – April 1, 2011 - James Sprunt Community College, Kenansville, NC Region 3 – April 5, 2011 – Nash Community College, Rocky Mount, NC Region 4 –April 13, 2011 - UNC-P Regional Center, Pembroke, NC Region 5 – April13, 2011 – Alamance Burlington County Schools Central Office, Burlington, NC Region 6 – April 7, 2011 – UNC-C, Charlotte, NC Region 7 – April 11, 2011 - Broyhill Center, Caldwell County, Lenoir, NC Region 8 - April 6, 2011 – WRESA – Enka, NC 8/23/2010 Prepared by District and School Transformation 20

21 Regional Lead Team Regional Lead Coordinator: Maria Pitre-Martin Region 1: Tamara Berman-Ishee Region 2: Sherry Broome Region 3: Rob Hines Region 4: Priscilla Maynor Region 5: Elissa Brown Region 6: Carolyn Means Region 7 & 8: Bobby Ashley 21

22 Questions & Answers 8/23/2010 Prepared by District and School Transformation 22

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