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Land and Sea Breezes by: Ellie Ritter, Grace Robinson, Heitho Shipp Land and Sea Breezes By: Ellie, Grace and Heitho.

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Presentation on theme: "Land and Sea Breezes by: Ellie Ritter, Grace Robinson, Heitho Shipp Land and Sea Breezes By: Ellie, Grace and Heitho."— Presentation transcript:

1 Land and Sea Breezes by: Ellie Ritter, Grace Robinson, Heitho Shipp Land and Sea Breezes By: Ellie, Grace and Heitho

2 What is a Sea Breeze? A sea breeze is a breeze blowing from the water to the land. The wind is blowing towards land, and it is a sea breeze.

3 How Does a Sea Breeze Form? Sea breezes form because water heats up much slower than land. Cool air above the ocean is heavier and more dense than the warm air over land. Sea breezes occur in response to differences in temperature between a body of water and neighboring land. While the atmosphere above the land rises, the cool air from the ocean has room to blow onto land.

4 What is a Land Breeze? A land breeze is a wind blowing from land to the water or sea.

5 How Does a Land Breeze Form? Land breezes form after sunset, when the air above the water stays much closer to the temperature in the daytime. The air above the land also loses heat, very quickly. The cooler air above the land reverses the daytime current, causing a breeze to blow from land to water.

6 What Part Does the Sun Play in This? The sun is one of the main heating sources for the land and water. Usually sunny days cause sea breezes. When the sun sets, it causes a land breeze.

7 Conclusion Overall, a sea breeze is a breeze blowing from the ocean onto land. A land breeze is breeze blowing from land out to the sea. Both are caused by uneven heating.

8 Bibliography: Sea- Breezes.html Sea- Breezes.html mtr/sea/htg.rxml mtr/sea/htg.rxml Land and Sea Breezes USA today Crestline Web Page- clip #1, 2, and 3

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