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Adapted from Everyday Use: AP Edition by Roskelly & Jolliffe.

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Presentation on theme: "Adapted from Everyday Use: AP Edition by Roskelly & Jolliffe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adapted from Everyday Use: AP Edition by Roskelly & Jolliffe

2 What is rhetoric? Initial definition: it’s the art and process humans use to process the messages we send and receive. Example: Give an example of a situation in which a PARENT is communicating. Explain the mode of communication, what is being communicated, and what the message is (i.e. you are explaining why you missed curfew. After you’ve given your excuse, the parent raises an eyebrow, ducks his chin, and says “right.” The message being communicated is distrust in your story).

3 Rhetoric’s Bad Reputation Negative connotation: lacking sincerity or substance. In this way, being “full of rhetoric really means “being full of crap.” Example??

4 Or… Rhetoric’s negative connotation can also refer to being deliberately false or manipulative in order to reach an unscrupulous end. Example???

5 Rhetoric’s Positive Connotation: Here’s a better definition of the positive definition of rhetoric. It’s made up of two parts: The art of analyzing all the language choices that the rhetor might make in a given situation so that the text becomes meaningful, purposeful, and effective The features of texts, written or spoken, that cause them to be meaningful, purposeful, and effective for an audience in a given situation.

6 How will I know if I’m a good rhetor? Being skilled at rhetoric involves the following four qualities: Being able to read others’ compositions and listen to their spoken word with a discerning eye and critical ear. Analyze the decisions the rhetor makes as he or she works to accomplish a purpose for a specific audience Examine a situation and determine what has already been said and written, what remains unresolved, and what you might say or write to continue the conversation or persuade readers. Being able to plan and write compositions, not just write them.

7 Application In groups, brainstorm examples of the four qualities of a skilled rhetor. What examples of text or speech (even music will do!) have you seen or heard that illustrate each quality? The examples can be serious or silly, but they must be specific! Then, each student will write at least one example on each of the puzzle pieces representing each quality. Sign your name next to your examples.

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