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What is Psychology?. Psychology defined Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process Behavior: any action an organism does (observable)

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Presentation on theme: "What is Psychology?. Psychology defined Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process Behavior: any action an organism does (observable)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Psychology?

2 Psychology defined Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process Behavior: any action an organism does (observable) Mental process: internal, subjective experiences we infer from behavior (perceptions, thoughts, dreams, beliefs, feelings)

3 Psychology beginnings… Confucius: Power of ideas and educated mind Socrates (philosopher) & Plato: The mind is in control and knowledge is innate (born with us) Aristotle: Used careful observations and believed knowledge is not preexisting and instead is grows from experiences. Descartes: Through dissection of animals, discovered nerves control our reflexes (animal spirits flowed through nerves)

4 Francis Bacon: Founder of modern science John Locke: Mind at birth is a blank slate Empiricism: knowledge originates in experience and that science should rely on observation and experimentation.

5 First Psychological laboratory Wundt: “Atoms of the mind” Experiments involving reaction time

6 Structuralism & Functionalism Structuralism(Titchener): Using introspection (looking inward) to explore the elemental structure of the mind Functionalism(William James): How mental and behavioral process function—how we adapt, survive, and flourish Senses and feelings Wasn’t extremely successful, “Often we don’t know why we feel the way we feel.”

7 Women Make History Mary Calkins: First woman president for the APA (1905). She was denied her Ph. D from Harvard. Margaret Floy Washburn: First woman to officially receive a Ph. D in psychology. 2 nd female APA president (1921) The Animal Mind

8 Nature vs. Nurture Biology vs. experience F79LY&feature=related F79LY&feature=related

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