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How to Read an OPORD AGENDA
OPORD Development Execution Paragraph
Reading an OPORD: STEP 1: Familiarization
Read OPORD from beginning to end Read everything so that you’re familiar with what information was given to you Pay special attention to overall situation and Company/Platoon Mission Don’t get too bogged down in the details during this first reading Discuss the 8 steps of the TLPs in sequence, but make clear that the sequence is not concrete. These procedures are the foundations for how Army Leaders plan military operations
Reading an OPORD: STEP 2: Details Go through the OPORD again
This time, highlight anything you feel would be specific to your squad In a different color, highlight any references to elements supporting you (ex. Engineers, Scouts, etc.) Make notes on any questions you have for CO/PL Discuss the 8 steps of the TLPs in sequence, but make clear that the sequence is not concrete. These procedures are the foundations for how Army Leaders plan military operations
Reading an OPORD: STEP 3: Mission Analysis
Now conduct a detailed mission analysis Should be easier to pick out specified tasks Other elements highlighted will help you with implied tasks (ex. rehearse with attachments; Coordinate load plan, etc.) Discuss the 8 steps of the TLPs in sequence, but make clear that the sequence is not concrete. These procedures are the foundations for how Army Leaders plan military operations
SITUATION Situation. Enemy Forces Lists a detailed description of what the enemy activity is in your area or at the OBJ and states who gathered the intel. It should list enemy COA (most likely and most dangerous). This is where you draw the comp/dispo from. Friendly Forces. Higher Unit (Two level up): What is the next unit ups mission Higher Unit (One level up): What is the next unit ups mission Right Unit: Who is to your right Left Unit: Who is to your left. Civilian Considerations: Pertinent information about civilians an their impact on the mission Attachments / Detachments: Is anyone staying from your unit/anyone being added
Mission Statement Example
WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN AND WHY Example 3/B/2-11 IN attacks to destroy enemy on OBJ Bear (GL123456) NLT JUL05 in order to prevent enemy counterattack into company AO
EXECUTION Execution Commanders Intent: Purpose: Key Tasks:
End State: Concept of the Operation brief description on how the overall operation will be executed Scheme of Maneuver. Detailed description of how your unit will execute the mission from start to finish Scheme of Fires. are there any indirect fire assets assigned to support your mission Tasks to Maneuver/Subordiante Unit Specific tasks assigned to squads/teams Coordinating Instructions. Uniform and Equipment Common to all: Uniform and equipment as proscribed by SOPs and specific guidance Timeline: Timeline that states who, what, when and where events / tasks are to be accomplished / step by step with time how the mission will progress PIR – Information needed by higher to gather intel on enemy in AO
SUSTAINMENT Logistics: All logistical and coordinating information
General: Supply: Class I Miscellaneous: Transportation: Services: Personnel Information about EPW etc. Health System Support Information about medical support
COMMAND AND CONTROL Command Location of Higher: PL or CO
Location of leader during MVMT Succession of Command Control Location of Higher Unit HQ/CP Reports: outside SOP, directed from higher Signal Call Signs Number Combo Challenge and Password Running Password
Practical Exercise Breaking down OPORD
1. Situation. Enemy. S-2 confirms via UAV South Atropian People’s Army (SAPA) defensive positions to our front. Security consists of 2 to 3 lightly armed soldiers who will defend strongly. Friendly Forces. Higher Unit : (Two Levels up) 1st Battalion conducts a zone recon of AO Cemetery Ridge NLT (H+80) to locate enemy forces and facilitate targeting of SAPA positions Higher Unit: (One Level up) Alpha Company conducts a Zone Reconnaissance in AO Thor NLT (H+80) in order to collect intelligence on the strength and disposition of the SAPA positions Right Unit: (SO1) 2nd PLT, Alpha Company conducts Area Reconnaissance of OBJ Mongoose (H+45) in order to collect intelligence on the strength and disposition of the SAPA positions Left Unit: (SO2) 3rd PLT, Alpha Company conducts Area Reconnaissance of OBJ Snake (H+45) in order to collect intelligence on the strength and disposition of the SAPA positions Civilian Considerations. Civilians in the AO are generally supportive of Atropian Defense Force (ADF) and US forces, however some civilians within the AO support SAPA forces Attachments / Detachments. None. 2. Mission. (DO)1st PLT Alpha Company, conducts Area Reconnaissance of OBJ Rat (H+80) in order to collect intelligence on the strength and disposition of the SAPA positions
1. Situation. Enemy. S-2 confirms via UAV South Atropian People’s Army (SAPA) defensive positions to our front. Security consists of 2 to 3 lightly armed soldiers who will defend strongly. Friendly Forces. Higher Unit : (Two Levels up) 1st Battalion conducts a zone recon of AO Cemetery Ridge NLT (H+80) to locate enemy forces and facilitate targeting of SAPA positions Higher Unit: (One Level up) Alpha Company conducts a Zone Reconnaissance of OBJ Thor NLT (H+80) in order to collect intelligence on the strength and disposition of the SAPA positions Right Unit: (SO1) 2nd PLT, Alpha Company conducts Area Reconnaissance of OBJ Mongoose (H+45) in order to collect intelligence on the strength and disposition of the SAPA positions Left Unit: (SO2) 3rd PLT, Alpha Company conducts Area Reconnaissance of OBJ Snake (H+45) in order to collect intelligence on the strength and disposition of the SAPA positions Civilian Considerations. Civilians in the AO are generally supportive of Atropian Defense Force (ADF) and US forces, however some civilians within the AO support SAPA forces Attachments / Detachments. None. 2. Mission. (DO)1st PLT Alpha Company, conducts Area Reconnaissance of OBJ Rat (H+80) in order to collect intelligence on the strength and disposition of the SAPA positions Removed Two Levels up Removed Removed One Level up
Execution. Commander’s Intent
Execution. Commander’s Intent Purpose: The purpose of this operation is to collect actionable intelligence on SAPA positions in Kilmer Woods for future targeting by coalition forces Key Tasks: Avoid detection by SAPA forces Collect all PIR Do not become decisively engaged Endstate: I envision that all PIR has been collected and that future operations can be planned to eliminate the SAPA in Klimer Woods Concept of the Operation. scheme of Maneuver. We will cross LD / PL (5 meters to the front) at (H+45) in a PLT Wedge, SQD Colum. 1st SQD is the PLT’s decisive operation and the lead element of PLT. 2nd SQD is on the right, 3rd SQD is on left. We will move along route Blue to a reconnaissance position determined by your squad (METT-TC) meters from the OBJ. From the reconnaissance positions, Your SQD will reconnoiter OBJ Rat. 2nd Squad will protect the right flank. 3rd SQD is the reserve and will provide rear security. Fires. Our PLT has no fires.
Execution. Commander’s Intent
Execution. Commander’s Intent Purpose: The purpose of this operation is to collect actionable intelligence on SAPA positions in Kilmer Woods for future targeting by coalition forces Key Tasks: Avoid detection by SAPA forces Collect all PIR Do not become decisively engaged Endstate: I envision that all PIR has been collected and that future operations can be planned to eliminate the SAPA in Klimer Woods Concept of the Operation. scheme of Maneuver. We will cross LD / PL (5 meters to the front) at (H+45) in a PLT Wedge, SQD Colum. 1st SQD is the PLT’s decisive operation and the lead element of PLT. 2nd SQD is on the right, 3rd SQD is on left. We will move along route Blue to a reconnaissance position determined by your squad (METT-TC) meters from the OBJ. From the reconnaissance positions, Your SQD will reconnoiter OBJ Rat. 2nd Squad will protect the right flank. 3rd SQD is the reserve and will provide rear security. Fires. Our PLT has no fires. Right and Left Units Identified
EXECUTION CONT. Tasks to Maneuver Unit
EXECUTION CONT. Tasks to Maneuver Unit. 1st (Your) SQD: Task(T): Lead in the PLT wedge Purpose(P): Determine reconnaissance position T: Report when set in the reconnaissance position P: Coordinate adjacent SQD movements T: Conducts reconnaissance NLT (H+80) P: Collect all PIR on SAPA T: Report all PIR to Platoon Leader upon completion P: Aide in the analysis and development of follow on missions 2nd SQD. T: Right flank in PLT wedge P: Protect PLT’s flank during movement T: Establish a blocking position P: Protect 1st SQD during their Recon of OBJ Rat 3rd SQD. T: Left flank in PLT wedge P: Protect the PLT’s flank during movement T: Provide reserve for PLT during the Recon P: provide rear security and a QRF for 1st SQD. Coordinating Instructions. Uniform and Equipment Common to all: IAW SOP Timeline. H hour delivery of the OPORD / H+45 PLT begins MVMT / H+80 PLT conducts Area recon of OBJ Rat PIR. Type of communications equipment; radio frequencies; type of weapons.
Right and Left Unit Info.
EXECUTION CONT. Tasks to Maneuver Unit. 1st (Your) SQD: Task(T): Lead in the PLT wedge Purpose(P): Determine reconnaissance position T: Report when set in the reconnaissance position P: Coordinate adjacent SQD movements T: Conducts reconnaissance NLT (H+80) P: Collect all PIR on SAPA T: Report all PIR to Platoon Leader upon completion P: Aide in the analysis and development of follow on missions 2nd SQD. T: Right flank in PLT wedge P: Protect PLT’s flank during movement T: Establish a blocking position P: Protect 1st SQD during their Recon of OBJ Rat 3rd SQD. T: Left flank in PLT wedge P: Protect the PLT’s flank during movement T: Provide reserve for PLT during the Recon P: provide rear security and a QRF for 1st SQD. Coordinating Instructions. Uniform and Equipment Common to all: IAW SOP Timeline. H hour delivery of the OPORD / H+45 PLT begins MVMT / H+80 PLT conducts Area recon of OBJ Rat PIR. Type of communications equipment; radio frequencies; type of weapons. Scheme of Maneuver Right and Left Unit Info.
General. Company Trains located in Company AA (to rear of SQD AA). Material and Services. Supply: No resupply available for 24 hrs. Class I cycle is M-M-M. Top off water in your current positions before moving out. Miscellaneous: __________ Smoke available. Transport: None. Services: None. Medical: Casualty collection point at AA. MEDEVAC available upon request. Personnel: EPW collection points located at AA and o/o assault position. Health System Support Medical: Casualty collection point at the AA. MEDEVAC available upon request
General. Company Trains located in Company AA (to rear of SQD AA). Material and Services. Supply: No resupply available for 24 hrs. Class I cycle is M-M-M. Top off water in your current positions before moving out. Miscellaneous: __________ Smoke available. Transport: None. Services: None. Medical: Casualty collection point at AA. MEDEVAC available upon request. Personnel: EPW collection points located at AA and o/o assault position. Health System Support Medical: Casualty collection point at the AA. MEDEVAC available upon request .
Command and Control. Command. Higher Unit Location:
Platoon Leader follows Your SQD and 3rd SQD. Succession of Command: PL, PSG, You, 2nd SL, 3rd SL. Control Alpha Company CP is located at BP Tango Reports Crossing LD/ Enemy contact / Establishment of ORP /Commencement of RECON / Recon complete with PIR and SALUTE / SITREPS as needed Signal. Call Signs: CO= Alpha 6 XO= Alpha 5 1SG= Alpha 7 FO= Alpha 8 PL=White 6, PSG= White 7, FO= White 53, You= White 1, 2SL= White 2, 3SL= White 3. Number Combination: 5. Challenge and Password: Whiskey / Hangover. Running Password: Hammered.
Command and Control. Command. Higher Unit Location:
Platoon Leader follows Your SQD and 3rd SQD. Succession of Command: PL, PSG, You, 2nd SL, 3rd SL. Control Alpha Company CP is located at BP Tango Reports Crossing LD/ Enemy contact / Establishment of ORP /Commencement of RECON / Recon complete with PIR and SALUTE / SITREPS as needed Signal. Call Signs: CO= Alpha 6 XO= Alpha 5 1SG= Alpha 7 FO= Alpha 8 PL=White 6, PSG= White 7, FO= White 53, 1SL= White 1, 2SL= White 2, 3SL= White 3. Number Combination: 5. Challenge and Password: Whiskey / Hangover. Running Password: Hammered.
Situation Enemy. S-2 confirms via UAV South Atropia People’s Army (SAPA) defensive positions to our front. Security consists of 2 to 3 lightly armed soldiers who will defend strongly. Most probable COA – they will stay and defend their position strongly. Most dangerous COA – they will call for reinforcements on our position. Friendly. Higher unit: A Co conducts an Area Recon in AO Thor NLT (H+80) to locate enemy forces to facilitate the targeting of SAPA positions. Higher unit: 1st PLT, A Co, conducts Area Recon of OBJ Rat, vicinity grid EG , NLT H+80 IOT collect intelligence on the strength and disposition of the SAPA positions Right unit: 2nd SQD protects right flank Rear unit: 3rd SQD in reserve and provides rear security and a QRF for 1st SQD Civilian Considerations. Civilians in the AO are generally supportive of Atropian Defense Force (ADF) and US forces, however some civilians within the AO support SAPA forces Attachments/Detachments. None Mission: 1SQD, 1st PLT Alpha Company , Alpha Company conducts Area Reconnaissance of OBJ Rat (H+80) in order to collect intelligence on the strength and disposition of the SAPA positions
Execution Commanders Intent: Not given Purpose: Key Tasks: Concept of the Operation This will be a 5 Phase operation; Phase 1 Actions in the AA, Phase 2; cross LD/move to and establish an ORP, Phase 3; ID release point and pin point the OBJ, Phase 4; Actions on the OBJ, Phase 5; Consolidation and reorganization (5-Phases) Scheme of Maneuver. 5-Phases in detail. Scheme of Fires. None. Tasks to Maneuver Unit. A Team will be primary compass/ pace and demo B Team will be alternate pace/compass and primary EPW. Coordinating Instructions. Uniform /Equipment Common to all Timeline: PIR – Types of commo, radio freqs and weapons types.
SUSTAINMENT. General. Company trains located to our rear.
Material and Services. Supply: No resupply available for 24 hrs. Class I cycle is M-M-M. Top off water in our current position before moving out. Transpo: None Services: None Medical: CCP located at AA. MEDEVAC is available upon request. Personnel: EPW CP located AA and on assault position. Miscellaneous: _______ smoke available.
Command and Control. Command.
Higher Unit Location: A Co CP follows main effort. PL follows our squad and 3rd SQD. Succession of Command: Myself, ATL, BTL Control Location of CP- Alpha Co CP is located at… Reports – Crossing the LD, enemy contact, captured EPWs, ACE after consolidation and SITREP/SALUTE as needed. Signal: CO= Alpha 6, PL = White 6, PSG = White 7, Me = White 1, 2SL= White 2, 3SL = White 3. # Combo: 5 Challenge/Password: Whiskey/ Hangover. Running Password: Hammered. The time is now _________________ what are your questions?
Concept Sketch Requirements
Enemy (crew served wpns, ops, battle positions) Friendly Depict Terrain (contour lines, roads, streams, vegetation, obstacles) Maneuver (your squad icons) Task and purpose for DO and SO Any Control Measures to help your subordinates visualize your concept (TRPs, IDF targets, ORP, SBF, etc.) Decisive Point and why North arrow for orientation
Execution Paragraph EXECUTION (cont’d) -- Scheme of Maneuver
Concept of the Operation (incorporate the sketch/terrain model) -- Scheme of Maneuver Write out step by step how actions are going to occur from the beginning of the mission to completion. Focus your attention on Actions On the Objective!! (Use Sketch/Terrain Model to Brief Maneuver!!)
Execution Paragraph SCHEME OF MANEUVER Can be done in several ways:
- By phase (a narrative broken into parts--see your Company OPORD), You will use the Patented Rutgers 5 Phases - Shown strictly on sand table/sketch (field planning)
Execution Paragraph SCHEME OF MANEUVER
Must be complete from crossing LD to C/R with primary focus being on Action on OBJ (ORP through to Consolidation/Reorganization) No detail is too small (azimuths, distances, orientations, method for crossing LDA, positioning of MGs, sectors of fire, location of key leaders, critical times, signals, location of CCP/supplies, IDF targets/types, movement formations/techniques, etc… ) Be mindful not to micromanage Again—details, details, details…
Sand Table Lay Out Lane Walker 12 9 3 AR AR 6 G G R R ATL BTL SL
Concept Sketch / Stand Table SQD ATTACK
LL RL LOA LOA OBJ Grid ET ORP Grid ET AA Grid ET OBJ 180 degrees, 100M N ORP AO vs. AI, an Area of Operations, (AO) is the area in which higher has established which we are operating (BN AO, CO AO, PLT AO. An Area of Interest is the subordinates AO per say. It is where their OBJ’s lie. A SQD OBJ is one AI of a PLT’s AO, and so on and so fourth as you go higher. It’s merely semantics on who/how it is briefed. LD LD 180 degrees, 250M RL LL AA
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