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LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME COMENIUS School Partnership European education with Information and Communication Technologies PROGRAM CELOŽIVOTNÍHO UČENÍ.

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Presentation on theme: "LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME COMENIUS School Partnership European education with Information and Communication Technologies PROGRAM CELOŽIVOTNÍHO UČENÍ."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME COMENIUS School Partnership European education with Information and Communication Technologies PROGRAM CELOŽIVOTNÍHO UČENÍ COMENIUS Partnerství škol Evropská výuka pomocí informačních a komunikačních technologií

2 Final Summary of Internet Survey Results Mitušova 16 Elementary School, Ostrava, Czech Republic January 2009 Mitušova 16 Elementary School, Ostrava, Czech Republic January 2009

3 You are: 22 (88%) 3 (12%) Teacher 9 (64%) 5 (36%) Student 2514 This survey presents the use of the Internet and PC in daily life of 25 teachers (average age 40 years) and of 14 students at the age of 14 and 15 years (30% of students of this age). All the information below derives from the Internet survey conducted in January 2009 in Mitušova 16, Elementary School, Ostrava.

4 1.Where do you use the Internet? teachers 92% of teachers use the Internet at home and 88% at work. Public places and Internet clubs are less popular (only 4%). Students Students acces the Internet mostly from home (100%) and from school (57%). Only 7% use other places.

5 2.How long have you used a computer and the Internet? The Internet is a part of everyday-life and it demonstrates the fact that 96% of teachers and 100% of students have used it for 3 years and more. Only 4% of teachers have gone online for 2 years.

6 3.How often are you on the web? Sometimes during the day Once a day Sometimes in a week Sometimes in a month Rarely TeachersStudents 12 (48%) 2 (8%) 6 (24%) 4 (16%) 1 (4%) 9 (64%) 2 (14%) 3 (22%) 0 0

7 4.How much time do you spend in front of your PC? students As we can see, students spend quite a lot of time in front of their computer, only 21% don‘t use it more than 2 hours a day. Teachers Teachers use their time in a different way, they mostly use it less than 2 hours.

8 5.Which web sites do you use most often? Teachers 17 11 7 3 2 2 2Students 7 7 5 3 2 2 2

9 6.How often do you use e-mail, ICQ or Skype? Every day or almost every day 3-4 times a week Some- times in a month RarelyDon‘t use At home 44%79%24%7%8%--7%- At work/school 44%-32%-8%36%8%29%- In Internet clubs ----4%--7%44%93% In public places 4%-------48%100% My mobile -----7%4%14%44%79% TeachersStudents

10 7.What purposes do you use the Internet for? TeachersStudents To help my training at school 84%14% To read educational webs 72%- To read news webs 88%14% To read sports webs -7% To play games -71% To read/write in forums and blogs 4%21% To watch video clips 20%79% To read webs about new technologies and communication -- To read webs for cars 4%- Webs for downloading music 4%57% To visit webs for online friendship -- To chat, use messaging 44%36% To read yellow pages and gossip --

11 8.What information do you usually download from the Internet? teachers students While teachers usually download texts and pictures, students use the Internet for searching and downloading music, films and pictures. A lot of them download software too.

12 9.Have you ever bought anything on the Inernet? Only have tries Yes, but accidently Yes, I often do it I haven‘t had an on-line experience yet Educational materials 4%7%44%7%4%-44%84% Tickets for concerts, matches or trips 4%14%24%35%20%28%40%21% Other goods from electronic shops 8%7%16%28%16%14%40%49% Music, Films 4%-12%---48%100% TeachersStudents

13 10.What other media do you use? Very oftenOftenRarely Never TV channels36%14%40%21%20%14%4%4%49% Newspapers16 %7%20%7%20%14%8%8%56% Magazines8 %14 %48%-8%8%7%4%4%63% Educational materials 4 %7 %36%21%12%14%4%4%42% News radio stations 32 %-24%35%16%14%12%42% Music radio stations 36 %-12%35%20%14%4%4%21% News on the Internet 28%7%56%14%-35%-28% Search information 36%-40%--14%-42%

14 11.What protection do you use on your computer?

15 12.What languages do you speak? TeachersStudents 56% of teachers are able to use one of the foreign languages, 44% speak English, 36% German. On the other hand 100% of students speak English and 50% one of the other languages. Only 14% mentioned Spanish.

16 Conclusion Importance of the Internet and PC in every day lives has still been increasing - as shown in this survey. Purposes of using computers are at issue but in fact we can point out, that the main interest is fun. ‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

17 Tento materiál byl vytvořen s podporou Projektu Partnerství COMENIUS v rámci Programu celoživotního učení. This material was created with grant-in-aid of School Partnership Comenius - Lifelong Learning Programme. Odpovědnost za obsah tohoto textu nesou jeho autoři. Obsah textu nevyjadřuje názor Evropského společenství, které také není odpovědné za jakékoliv případné využití dat prezentovaných v textu. The authors are solely responsible for the content of this paper. It does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of data appearing therein.

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