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Our School Community NGfL CYMRU GCaD This is Globalglades school. It’s full of children but it’s also full of important adults who make the school a happy.

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Presentation on theme: "Our School Community NGfL CYMRU GCaD This is Globalglades school. It’s full of children but it’s also full of important adults who make the school a happy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our School Community NGfL CYMRU GCaD This is Globalglades school. It’s full of children but it’s also full of important adults who make the school a happy place to be.

2 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD Here is a member of staff at the school. Mrs S Head teacher I’m in charge of the school. I do lots of jobs such as taking assemblies, talking to parents and making important decisions. Do you know what their job is?

3 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD Here is a member of staff at the school. Miss S Class 1’s teacher I teach the children in Class 1. I plan exciting lessons. I run the athletics club after school. Do you know what their job is?

4 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD Here is a member of staff at the school. Mrs T Secretary I work in the office. I answer the phone. I type important letters. I collect dinner money. I talk to parents. Do you know what their job is?

5 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD Here is a member of staff at the school. Mr U Caretaker I unlock all the doors each morning and lock up again at night. I look after the building and the grounds. Do you know what their job is?

6 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD Here is a member of staff at the school. Mrs V Lollipop lady I stop the traffic so you can cross the road safely. I’m here at the start and at the end of the day. Do you know what their job is?

7 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD Here is a member of staff at the school. Mrs W Learning support assistant I help children learn in the classroom. Sometimes I work with small groups outside the classroom. Do you know what their job is?

8 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD Here is someone who helps us. Mrs X Taxi driver I collect children from home and drive them to school. At the end of the day, I drive them home again. Do you know what their job is?

9 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD Here is a member of staff at the school. Mrs Y Dinner lady I cook tasty dinners for you. I have to choose what to cook every day. I make sure that there’s enough food for everyone Do you know what their job is?

10 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD Here is someone who helps us. Mrs Z Escort I ride with you in the taxi. I make sure that everyone is safe. Do you know what their job is?

11 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD What would happen if... The teacher was away on a training course? The teacher was away on a training course? The secretary was ill? The Lollipop lady wasn’t there? The cleaner could only clean the classroom once a month? The cleaner could only clean the classroom once a month? Who would be affected? Why?

12 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD What would happen if the teacher was away on a training course? Who would be affected? Why?

13 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD What would happen if the cleaner could only clean the classroom once a month? Who would be affected? Why?

14 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD What would happen if the Lollipop lady wasn’t there? Who would be affected? Why?

15 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD What would happen if the secretary was ill? Who would be affected? Why?

16 MOST LEAST Escort Class teacher Head teacher Dinner lady Secretary Lollipop lady Caretaker

17 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD Home Starter Activity What would happen if? Diamond Ranking

18 Our School Community NGfL Cymru GCaD The End Back to menu

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