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USING TELECENTRES IN IMPROVING FARMING SYSTEMS IN AFRICA By A. Koda Traore, CTA Seminar on ICT for Development - Innovation of Rural Information Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "USING TELECENTRES IN IMPROVING FARMING SYSTEMS IN AFRICA By A. Koda Traore, CTA Seminar on ICT for Development - Innovation of Rural Information Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 USING TELECENTRES IN IMPROVING FARMING SYSTEMS IN AFRICA By A. Koda Traore, CTA Seminar on ICT for Development - Innovation of Rural Information Systems Wageningen, 18 May2011 USING TELECENTRES IN IMPROVING FARMING SYSTEMS IN AFRICA By A. Koda Traore, CTA Seminar on ICT for Development - Innovation of Rural Information Systems Wageningen, 18 May2011

2 Outline ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Brief description of the context Telecentres: schemes and service models (sample) Food for thought

3 Context Declining agricultural population … need for increasing productivity New extension.. …combining face-to-face information and knowledge sharing with ICT based tools Pre-dominance of Youth (43% < 24 years) …and their unique role in the modernisation of agriculture using agricultural and non agricultural technologies including ICTs 3 ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Learning (and physical) aptitude Openness to innovations including ICTs Enthusiasm to use new applications Main users and managers of telecentres

4 Context ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par … For an inclusive information society Connect key sectors with ICTs including health, education, public information centres and libraries with a special focus on isolated rural areas; Ensure the insertion of ICTs to education including the development of adapted curricula at all levels; Facilitate the development and access to content in all languages. WSIS Plan of Action C7: “ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life”.

5 Context ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Technological changes …  Open standards  Lower costs  Convergence

6 Telecentre (noun): a public place where people can access computers, the Internet and other technologies, and that help people to gather information and communicate with others at the same time as they develop digital skills… Telecentres exist in almost every country on the planet, although they sometimes go by different names (e.g. village knowledge centres, infocentres, community technology centres, community multimedia centres or school based telecentres). [Wikipedia]

7 Focus ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Use of technologies to… support community and social development access information, share knowledge and innovations (technical, institutional…) create (socio)economic opportunities for a given community

8 ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par A Common Service Centre in India (CSC) A telecentre in Tanzania Sample Telecentres (premises)

9 Objective to enable `Anytime – Any device, Anywhere Service delivery ’ to rural communities Three pillar model: Enabled FrameworkGovernments Wide Area NetworksPrivate Public Partnership Tele(service)centresFront-end Common Service Centre Scheme, (CCS) India ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Adapted from Dr Arun Varma, CCS scheme in India Photo credit: cta

10 E-Government Services Market Linkages, Supply Chain, Distribution & Logistics Education, Healthcare, Agricultural Extension, etc Community Networking Public Services Economic Inclusion Social Services Commercial Services Employment, Information and Knowledge Services Main approach: service integration Social Inclusion ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Source: Dr Arun Varma, CCS scheme in India

11 CCS overview ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Adapted from Dr Arun Varma, CCS scheme in India

12 CCS - Services ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Akshaya Common Service Centres, India Photo credit: Koda

13 Education Health Agriculture Govt Extension Electoral & Census Business & Banking Rural Service Centre National Hub & Spoke Network More at: Rural Service Centres, Zambia ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

14 Literacy /broadcasting services, Uganda Nakasseke Community Multimedia Centre, Uganda

15 Content adaptation/translation, Kenya ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

16 Linking Communities to Markets, Uganda Users sign up to be buyers or sellers by texting to a number from any mobile phone To: 8998 Buyer To: 8998 Seller ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par BuyerSeller

17 Linking Communities to Markets, Uganda Users fill out a simple questionnaire to create an advertisement for their goods – including location, quantity available and price desired BuyerSeller To: 8998 Buyer in Kampala seeks 100 UGX per kilo for 100 kg of wheat To: 8998 Seller in Kampala offers 100 UGX per kilo for 100 kg of wheat ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Linking Rural Communities to Markets in Uganda

18 Linking Communities to Markets, Uganda With one text message, see all the buyers or sellers in your area who are seeking your same good (s) for a similar price. BuyerSeller From: MoMEALS 1 of 1 Match: Seller in Kampala offers 100 UGX per kilo for 100 kg of wheat. Call 2567777777 From: MoMEALS 1 of 1 Match: Buyer in Kampala seeks 100 UGX per kilo for 100 kg of wheat. Call 2565555555 Uganda More information at:

19 Issues to consider ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Enabling policies and strategies Increased development of infrastructure Capacity development Access to relevant and up-to-date content

20 Sustainable national e-strategies ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Government To regulate and ensure the coherence of the strategy and its implementation International organisations Integrating the use of ICTs in the development process and making available necessary support towards an inclusive Information Society and for the evaluation of the progress made. Community Service Centres Capacity to deliver sustainable and appropriate ICT-related initiatives Private sector To develop and diffuse ICTs) for infrastructure, content and applications

21 Sustainable Services ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par “You will not for example see anyone supporting a multi-million centre, that is overly centralized by location in a district. Neither will we see an increase of telecentres that are built on 'blank focus of information and communication'. The new telecentre will anchor in the livelihoods of people and this will continue to guide telecentre practitioners' actions” Sulah Ndaula, Executive Director Ugabytes Community Service Centres Capacity to deliver sustainable and appropriate ICT-related initiatives Entrepreneurship Service diversification Community ownership

22 Sustainable services: Entrepreneurship ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Develop business and strategic plans Select, use and maintain appropriate technologies Keep capital and recurrent cost low Community Service Centres Capacity to deliver sustainable and appropriate ICT-related initiatives

23 Service diversification ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Using mobile devices to bring the service at the door step of the communities Add value to content through alliance building (e.g. community radios, extension services, research stations) Develop alternative sources of income services: education, outsourcing, etc. Community Service Centres Capacity to deliver sustainable and appropriate ICT- related initiatives

24 Community ownership ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Involve community in defining the services that have the highest levels of demand Use participatory approaches to track and monitor demand survey Provide checks and balances on services provided and outcomes delivered Community Service Centres Capacity to deliver sustainable and appropriate ICT-related initiatives

25 To conclude ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par Need for changing the perception development actors have on telecentres Move towards community driven services: What do the people want & need Shifts from exclusive financial self-sustainability to integration in the overall community development context.

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