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State & Local Services. Department of Health & Human Services  20% of state’s budget Handle aging, child development, mental health and social services.

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Presentation on theme: "State & Local Services. Department of Health & Human Services  20% of state’s budget Handle aging, child development, mental health and social services."— Presentation transcript:

1 State & Local Services

2 Department of Health & Human Services  20% of state’s budget Handle aging, child development, mental health and social services

3 Parks & Recreation  Part of N.C. Department of Environment & Natural Resources Preserves all state parks & recreation areas

4 Department of Transportation  Plans, constructs, maintains & operates the N.C. transportation system.  Includes aviation, ferries, buses, railroads & highways  Also, driver’s licenses & registration

5 Other State & Local Services  Education (public schools) Largest part of the state budget  Public Safety  Public Welfare (financial assistance)  Consumer Protection (commercials)  Regulate Business & commerce w/in the State

6 State & Local Services State & Local Services Regulate Business Consumer Protection Highways (DOT) Public Safety Public Welfare Education Parks & Recreation

7 Registrar of Deeds  Elected by citizens of the county for a 4 year term.  Serves as manager of public records Examples: deeds, powers of attorney, maps, issues marriage licenses & birth & death certificates

8 N.C. Landmark Supreme Court Cases  State v. Mann (1829)  A lower court convicted a slave owner, John Mann of killing one of his slaves. The N.C. Supreme Court overruled the conviction. Supreme Court Decision Slave owners could not be guilty of murder for killing their slaves, because slaves were considered property.

9 N.C. Landmark Supreme Court Cases  Leandro v. North Carolina: 1997 This case considered whether the state’s distribution of funds among school districts was sufficient and fair. Families from five poorer, largely African American counties originally filed suit. Supreme Court Decision All North Carolina children have a right to the “equal opportunity to receive a sound basic education”.

10 N.C. Landmark Supreme Court Cases  Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg About the CMS school district and subject of school busing. SUPREME COURT DECISION 1971- CMS district became the first to undergo court-ordered busing to desegregate classrooms.

11 Reforming & Amending  Local act: law limited in application to a particular county or city  Example: Ordinance  Initiative: A process by which a certain number of qualified voters sign petitions in favor of a proposal, which goes directly to the ballot.  Citizens in 17 States can use an initiative to propose amendments to State constitution.  This could be anything from Marriage laws to Alcohol laws.

12  Referendum: A process by which a legislative measure (law or bill) is referred to the State’s voters for final approval or rejection, put forth by the Governor or General Assembly. *** (direct popular vote) 1. Two types A. Mandatory: requires the legislature refer the measure to the voters (people).  Example: Amendments to the State Constitution, Borrowing Money B. Optional: Legislature voluntarily offers measure to voters. Issues are usually “hot potato” issues. These are issues that politicians themselves would rather not take responsibility for deciding themselves  Example: School Bonds

13 Which box does not have a characteristic of a Referendum? Direct Popular vote on an issue of Public Policy. Often used at the National level. Vote on constitutional amendments put forth by the General Assembly or Governor.

14 Review… Which state agency is the largest in the state of North Carolina? A. Department of Health & Human Services B. Division of Parks and Recreation C. Registrar of Deeds D. Department of Transportation

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