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Advertisements Teen Living 10.0. Purpose of Advertisements  1. Want people to buy the product  2. Give consumers more choices  3. Promote Sales.

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Presentation on theme: "Advertisements Teen Living 10.0. Purpose of Advertisements  1. Want people to buy the product  2. Give consumers more choices  3. Promote Sales."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advertisements Teen Living 10.0

2 Purpose of Advertisements  1. Want people to buy the product  2. Give consumers more choices  3. Promote Sales

3 Slogans/Jingles  Help us remember the ad…. –Can you name the company… –Da Da Dant Da Da…I’m loving it! –MMM MMM Good! –Think outside the bun…. –What can you do with a dallap?

4 Cartoons  Appeal to kids…. –Cereal commericals  Frosted flakes, trix rabbit

5 Famous People/Celebrities  Get paid to appear in the ad!!!  Michael Jordan, Williams sisters, Tim McGraw…

6 Humor  We enjoy funny commercials!

7 Color  Warm colors for Summer ads…  Cool colors for Winter ads…

8 Hip/Catchy  Helps us to remember the product when we are shopping…

9 Beauty/Appeal  Air brushed computer generated images

10 Pleasure/Happiness  Puppies, the beach etc…

11 Testimonials  People tell us how the product changed their life  ProActive

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